YOU make it easy to watch the world with LOVE
Esther Janssen, Jans Muskee
Cornelie Tollens » Kaat Waterschoot »
Exhibition: 7 Apr – 26 May 2007
Flatland Gallery
Lange Nieuwstraat 7, Abraham Dolehof
3512 PA Utrecht

Artemisstraat 22
1076 DW Amsterdam
+31 (0)6-250 25 306
by appt

YOU make it easy to watch the world with LOVE - it's a sex thing Cornelie Tollens - photography Kaat Waterschoot - digitally manipulated photography Esther Janssen - computer drawings Jans Muskee - oil pastel drawings on paper Sex has many appearances; and that becomes clear in this exhibition at Flatland Gallery. Love, beauty, lust, challenge, struggle; all provoke strong emotions that fill everyday life with great energy. It is these things that make what we are, and keep our race from extinction. Flatland's artists have a lot to say about it. NEW at Flatland: Cornelie Tollens (1964) surrounds herself in an imaginary boudoir filled with things that she finds intriguing and alluring. Flowers, fruits and fruit, valuable materials such as lace, satin and damask, supple and smooth ribbons and lingerie. But also the secret places in soft, beautiful bodies, and the suggestive soft shapes of life in the sea, as opposed to the aggressive pointed shapes of a beak or a high heel. These are the ingredients of her work in which it is important that the artist herself remains firmly in charge of the complete presentation. Cornelie Tollens wants to use her photography to illustrate both beauty and creamy innocence, which is not an easy task given the wide selection of guilty objects and accessories. Her work has been published in numerous lifestyle and art magazines. She has also been commissioned to create work for international companies.