Domingo Milella »
Exhibition: 5 Apr – 6 May 2007
Brancolini Grimaldi Arte contemporanea Roma/Firenze
Via dei Tre Orologi, 6a
00197 Roma

The idea of finding a landscape is the basis of the approach I believe in. You find a place in the same way you find an interesting piece of plastic on the ground or a lost page of a book in the grass. With the landscape as it is, the photograph begins with a precise point of view from where to record. It is the eye that has to choose, not the hand. These are landscapes of layers that have consumed, and are consuming their function: they struggle to be. Constant contradiction, a quiet undeniable brutality. The eye moves from foreground to the horizon, into the identity of these places that are a self-portrait of their own history. Reality is the self-portrait of itself. Domingo Milella, born in Bari 1981, lives and works between Bari and New York. He has studied photography at the School of Visual Arts, New York (2005, BFA). His project has been developing over the course of the last 6 years, focusing on a documentation, an esthetical catalogue of "the human landscape as it is". Photography becomes the medium through which to present a landscape to the viewer, a medium to question the landscape itself. Observation as the main action to reformulate and encourage all that’s given in modern dialectics. Observation as the desire to reformulate the most banal of our categories: "the I", "the other" and the world outside.