Photomeetings Luxembourg 2007
Olivo Barbieri » Peter Bialobrzeski » Stéphane Couturier » Denis Darzacq » Franco Fontana » Wiebke Leister » Andrea Stultiens » & others
Exhibition: 18 Jun – 23 Jun 2007
Galerie Clairefontaine
7 place de la Clairefontaine
1341 Luxembourg
Luxemburg. Within the scope of Luxembourg, capital of culture 2007 with the theme "Luxembourg and Greater Region" Marita Ruiter of Galerie Clairefontaine, initiator and curator of photomeetings luxembourg, presents the 3rd edition of the Luxembourg Photo Festival: photomeetings luxembourg 2007, workshops - lectures – exhibitions, 18-23 June 2007 Venue: CCRN – Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg 28, rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg Languages: English, German, French Credit points for students (ECTS): 3 Exhibition of students' works: Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster Exhibition of teachers´work: Galerie Clairefontaine Espace 1 + Espace 2 Only after two years, Luxembourg's Photo Festival has established itself in the heart of Europe as a both attractive and respected meeting of photographers, photo-artists, photo-theoreticians and of course also photo-amateurs of around the globe. With their exciting themes, the photomeetings luxembourg are right in the heart of contemporary preoccupations. The 3rd edition of the festival concentrates entirely on the focus Periphery – A European Cross-Country Project. Internationally renowned photographers, photo-artists and lecturers highlight and discuss, from 18 to 23 June 2007, in workshops, lectures and exhibitions, the significance of peripheries of urban centres. This year, for the first time, 50 students from five European colleges will take part in the photomeetings luxembourg. All events are aimed equally for professional photographers, photography specialists, students, as well as for interested amateurs and photography lovers. Focus: Periphery - A European Cross-Country Project The new Europe is being decided in the peripheries. The peripheries of the cities are not any longer the mere appendages of the centres, on the contrary. Already with the punk of the late 1970s (Sound of the Suburbs), the transformation of London's East End in the 1990s from the NoGo area to the hippest place in the urban space of the metropolis, but also with the unrest in the Parisian satellite towns became obvious, what the art theoretician Prof. Dr. Michael Glasmeier already wrote in the early nineties: "Although the ‘dormitory town' with its sad block of flats really looks tiered, the denomination is not suitable any longer. The periphery is awake. It is the centre of the unsolved social problems and postponed political decisions." Migrants of all around the world arrive in the peripheries, here the cultures clash together. There is no doubt: the suitability of the modern multi-cultural and multi-media society is tested in the peripheries of the cities. As a cultural melting-pot and social groupings, the periphery is also an invisible impetus. Moreover, in the context of the photomeetings luxembourg 2007, the students will further discuss and work on the theme "focus periphery" in open workshops with professors of five nations, as well as a number of renowned photographers and theoreticians. The particular significance of the periphery for Luxembourg as a cultural, economical and political centre will be highlighted. The following colleges participate to the project: the London College of Communication/England, the Hochschule für Künste Bremen/Germany, the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg II, the Akademie Minerva, Groningen/The Netherlands, and students from Luxembourg. Followings teachers and lecturer will be available: Peter Bialobrzeski, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Michael Glasmeier, Olivo Barbieri, Franco Fontana, Wiebke Leister, Paul Lowe, Andrea Stultiens, Stéphane Couturier, Klaus Honnef, Christian Caujolle, Simon Welch, ...