Miklos Gaál »
Exhibition: 24 May – 25 Jul 2003
Galerie Anhava
Fredrikinkatu 43
00120 Helsinki
+358 9-669 989
Tue-Fri 11-17 . Sat, Sun 12-16

Miklos Gaál’s photographs are characterized by visuality, nostalgia and a light, playful spirit. They are scenic images of events recording significant and absent-minded moments. The explicit partial blurred focus guides the viewer’s gaze, leading it through the pictorial plane along an unexpected route. The gaze zooms in and out in the static photograph. The recognizable focused area is emphasized, creating a reinforced feeling of diversity. Distance and blurred resolution are means of distancing that make the pictures melancholy and humoristic. Familiar themes are studied with a childlike seriousness.