Exhibition: 13 Sep – 21 Oct 2007
PICA Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
James Street Northbridge
WA 6844 Perth
Tue-Sun 11-18
Meditations Boris + Natascha (Ger/Aust) A series of five guided visualisations, Meditations is a twisted re-imagining of self-help videos that play with western society's obsession with fear, albeit with a slightly more sinister bent. While works of this kind usually lead the viewer into the ‘light', Meditations welcomes us into a darker realm of fear, anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks. Shrouded in darkness and wearing headphones, the viewer is placed in a secluded field of meta-narratives, then lulled through a series of relaxation techniques to end up in a worst case scenario. It remains ambiguous whether the narrations are speaking to character or stemming from their internal voice. This is anti-relaxation for tough times. BORIS + NATASCHA (GER/AUS ) produce twisted conceptual works that explore the human condition using photography, video, mixed media and text. Born during the war of Not-So-Nice-Land vs. the world, Boris learned fast to have an evil plan. Although he never imagined one day to meet his evil twin: Natascha, daughter of communist immigrants, born in Convict Country. After two lifetimes as solo artists – throwing bombs in places like Deichtorhallen, Hamburg; Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; Videonale Bonn; European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück; The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), Melbourne; The Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney; The Australian Centre of Contemporary Art, Melbourne; The Next Wave Festival, Melbourne and the Edinburgh, Taiwan and Hannover International Film Festivals - they started collaborating in 2003. In between their dark pranks, BORIS + NATASCHA maintain university teaching positions in Pottsylvania and Mainz. BORIS + NATASCHA are represented by Strychnin Gallery New York/Berlin