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16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn
Giuseppe Penone Rovesciare i propri occhi (To Reverse One’s Eyes) 1970 slide projection, 7 colour slides Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York and Paris

16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn

Ahmet Öğüt » Francis Alÿs » Qiu Anxiong » Qiu Anxiong » Ibon Aranberri » Pedro Barateiro » Hans Bellmer » Tamy Ben-Tor » Chris Burden » Destiny Deacon  » Jeremy Deller » Sam Durant » VALIE EXPORT » Fischli & Weiss » Ryan Gander » Dora García » Simryn Gill » Shaun Gladwell » Dan Graham » Rodney Graham » Pierre Huyghe » Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla » Joan Jonas » Mary Kelly » William Kentridge » Marcellvs L. » Rosemary Laing » Edgar Leciejewski » Tim Lee » Nalini Malani » Man Ray  » Gordon Matta-Clark » David Medalla » Tina Modotti » Tracey Moffatt » László Moholy-Nagy » Bruce Nauman » Hélio Oiticica » Yoko Ono » Giulio Paolini » Giuseppe Penone » Paul Pfeiffer » Susan Philipsz » Adrian Piper » Alexander Rodchenko » Julie Rrap » Natascha Sadr Haghighian » Sharmila Samant » Carolee Schneemann » Tony Schwensen » Michael Snow » Javier Téllez » Vibeke Tandberg » TV Moore » Clemens von Wedemeyer »

Exhibition: 18 Jun – 7 Sep 2008

Biennale of Sydney

43-51 Cowper Wharf Road . Woolloomooloo
NSW 2011 Sydney

+61 2-93681411


16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn
Joan Jonas
Reading Dante
Performance at The 16th Biennale of Sydney 2008
at the Cell Block Theatre, Sydney, 2008 Photo: Greg Weight
© Joan Jonas

Billed this year as a celebration of the defiant spirit, the exhibition will bring together some of the most revolutionary artists the world has ever known alongside the shining stars of today. The theme of the 16th Biennale, Revolutions – Forms That Turn, suggests the impulse to revolt, a desire for change, and seeing the world differently. Many works in this year’s exhibition will be participatory, encouraging people to step inside art and discover new ways of looking and thinking about life today. Movement is a strong feature – works turn, spin, go in reverse, mirror, make noise and even blow up. The free exhibition is expected to welcome more than a quarter of a million visitors, and more than 180 artists from 42 countries including 65 new art works, presented alongside some of the world’s most ground-breaking art from the avant-gardes of last century.

16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn
TV Moore, Escape Carnival, 2008, single-channel video, installation / sound installation, dimensions variable, installation view at Cockatoo Island for the 16th Biennale of Sydney 2008. Courtesy the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney.
16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn
Qiu Anxiong, Jiang Nan Poem, 2005, video, black-and-white, sound, 12:45 mins. Courtesy the artist and Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing.
16th Biennale of Sydney: Revolutions - Forms That Turn
Jeremy Deller The Battle of Orgreave, 2002 (a filmed re-enactment of a miners' strike that took place in 1984) Director: Mike Figgis © Jeremy Deller