100 x 100 cm
Victòria Campillo »
The Last Supper
Exhibition: 17 Jan – 15 Mar 2008

100 x 100 cm
"The Last Super" is Victoria Campillo's new serie. In her usual procedure the Spanish photographer mixes art, advertising, food and fashion to make powerful images with multiple layers of meaning. All the artist's portrayed are wearing a Lacoste shirt and have in front of them a piece of food related to their own work. That way the viewer is invited to recognize a list of artists. Damian Hirst trough a fish, Jim Dine has a heart and Paul Mcarthy a pig's head. In a clever manner the artist is dealing with the concept of signature and style and . pointing Art as the new Religion. Anyway there are more then 13 disciples at the table: the whole serie consists of 5o portraits that makes a whos's who in modern and contemporary. From Manzoni to Zhang Huan and from Cézanne to Tillmans all those artists have dealt with food and Victoria Campillo reflects it. In Lambda prints 100cm x100cm the show offers a ceremony of

100 x 100 cm

100 x 100 cm