CUI Xiuwen »
Exhibition: 10 Apr – 26 Apr 2008
Artchina Gallery
Goetheallee 5-7
22765 Hamburg
Thu/Fri 12-19, Sat 12-15 + app.
In line with the 4th Triennale of Photography Hamburg Cui Xiuwen's work focuses on women in today's China. Since the late Nineties her series of digital photos are filled with references to her own childhood, adolescence and sexuality. Her current works – as our example "Angel No.4" from 2006 – feature an actress, who is duplicated in a number of different poses. The "Angel" series addresses the problems of young pregnant women who can only picture abortion as a solution to their situation. It is the backdrop of the Forbidden City and the ostensibly graceful and traditional way in which the women are depicted that welcomes the spectator. Posture and gesture however reveal their doubts and fears.
The conceptual artist and photographer Ye Deer places himself as "Golden Man" in the most various of environments. Sometimes these are natural ones (in the woods or in the water) but he also chooses industrial landscapes (sitting on a chimney or on a roof). This "Golden Man" is meant to depict the narcissism of the Chinese Nouveau Riche, who are only guided by materialistic values, having grown completely oblivious of spiritual ones. They themselves are the "shining" centre and their self-absorption does not admit any other people beside them. Unless it's themselves – as their own clones. Moreover ArtChina Gallery will be showing the exhibition World of Vision with photographs by Wang Lang and Liu Xinhua.
4. Triennale der Photographie (Hamburg) Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten von Cui Xiuwen bildet die Situation der Frau im heutigen China.In ihren digitalen Fotoserie stellt sie seit Ende der 90iger Jahre Bezüge zur eigenen Kindheit, Pubertät und Sexualität her. In ihren aktuellen Arbeiten, wie auch in dem hier gezeigten Motiv "Angel No.4" von 2006 arbeitet sie mit einer Schauspielerin, die in verschiedenen Posen auf dem Motiv vervielfältigt eingesetzt wird. Die "Angel-Serie" steht thematisch für die Problematik von jungen, schwangeren Frauen, die eine Lösung häufig nur in einer Abtreibung sehen. Nicht zuletzt durch das Umfeld der "Verbotenen Stadt" und die vordergründig anmutig und traditionell wirkende Darstellung der abgebildeten Mädchen, hat man einen positiven Zugang zu den Bildern. Position, Haltung und Gestik machen jedoch Zweifel und Ängste deutlich.