Campus PHotoEspaña Comunidad de Madrid
Photography Workshops, Master Classes and Seminars
Jodi Bieber » Jacqueline Hassink » Guillaume Herbaut » Nadav Kander » Karen Knorr » Simon Norfolk » Xavier Ribas »
Festival: 16 Jun – 27 Jun 2008
Alameda 9
28014 Madrid

CAMPUS PHE COMUNIDAD DE MADRID Photography Workshops, Master Classes and Seminars in Spain June 16-27, 2008 www.phedigital.com/campus_en Develop you photographic proposals in a one week workshop with: Simon Norfolk, Jacqueline Hassink, Nadav Kander, Paul Graham, Jodi Bieber, Guillaume Herbaut, Jaime Isaia, Karen Knorr, Ramón Mateos and Xavier Ribas. The Consejería de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid and PHotoEspaña are organizing the fifth edition of Campus PHE, a program that consists in: Workshops. Ten different workshops are given by ten renowned photographers. During the week the participants will review their work and create new work. Seminars. There will be two seminars for the workshop participants, one each week. Hugo Rodríguez will give a seminar about optimizing digital images. Sven Ehemann will give a seminar about how photographers can present their work and find their public. Master Classes. Every evening one of the instructors will present and comment on their work. These lectures give the Campus PHE participants and the general public an opportunity to familiarize themselves with different creative processes. Workshops: Jodi Bieber (South Africa, 1966). Documentary photographer, works with the international media and NGOs. Part of her work focuses on South Africa, the country where she was born. Jodi Bieber is a founding member of the NOOR Photo Agency and a winner of seven World Press Awards. She has also given classes and lectures at the Market Theatre Photographic Workshop inJohannesburg and the ICP School of Photojournalism in New York. In Jodi Bieber's workshop, participants will attempt to craft a personal project that is free of editorial constraints and can be developed into a book or exhibition. Paul Graham (Great Britain, 1956) is part of a generation of photographers who work with documentary images in colour, inserting documentary photography into contemporary art. Since 1983 he has experimented with the narrative possibilities of photography through books. One of the main themes of his work is the social fracture of the United States. Graham has exhibited at theMuseum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Gallery in London and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, among other centres. His workshop will explore the language of contemporary documentary photography. The students will seek to identify the nature of what surrounds us; rather than denouncing, the images will show moments of everyday life. Jacqueline Hassink (The Netherlands, 1966). Since 1993 Hassink has created photographic series about the global economy in collaboration with multinational corporations. Projects such as The Table of Power (1993-1995) or Arab Domains (2005-2006) explore the force of economic power. Hassink has given classes at Harvard University and the International Center of Photography in New York. Her students will learn about her creative and conceptual processes and will develop projects of their own to be discussed during the course of the workshop. Guillaume Herbaut (France, 1970) creates photographic series on historical places filled with symbolism and memories. During his career he has developed series on the murders of women in Ciudad Juárez (Mexico); the survivors of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki (Japan); the vendetta carried out against the small Albanian village of Skohdra; life in Oswiecim, where the Nazis built the Auschwitz concentration camp; or the passage of time in Chernobyl, fifteen years after the explosion of the nuclear plant. Herbaut has exhibited his work at PHotoEspaña 2007, Jeu de Paume inParis and Visa pour l'image in Perpignan. Jamie Isaia (United States, 1980) A graduate of the Parsons School of Design in New York City, Isaia's photographs are the reflection of a new way of understanding fashion photography. The suggestive atmospheres and spontaneous elements stand out in her images. Isaia regularly works for fashion labels such as Zac Posen and Wolford. In her workshop on fashion and advertising photography, she will encourage students to take striking images using limited resources, exploring the conceptual and theatrical aspects of advertising photography. Karen Knorr (Germany, 1954) became known in the 1970s for her photographic series that investigated man's relationship with society and his culture. She currently offers reflections on human relations with nature, which has become a consumer product. Karen Knorr's work can be found in numerous collections, including those of the Centre Pompidou in Paris or the Victoriaand Albert Museum in London. Karen Knorr's workshop, called The Culture of Nature, will explore the boundaries between the cultural and the natural, meditating on the landscape and its ties to ideology, tourism, ecology and history. Nadav Kander (Israel, 1961). Known for both his commercial and artistic work, Kander has completed assignments for Issey Miyake, Air France, Absolut, Nike and Tag Hauer. His work as an artistic photographer has been published in Dazed & Confused, Rolling Stone and The New York Times. He has also published two monographic volumes, Beauty's Nothing (Arena Editions, 2001) and Nadav Kander – Night. In his workshop, Kander and his students will address the differences between photography on assignment and personal photography, engaging in a debate about his different working methods. Ramón Mateos (Spain, 1968) was a founding member of the artistic collective El Perro until the group broke up in 2006. He currently co-directs Black & Noir, a group of artists and cultural management professionals, and works as an independent curator creating projects and publishing magazines. Mateos has exhibited at the Taipei and Moscow Biennials, curated the show War Trade (2006) and participated in projects such as Proyecto Juárez (Juárez Project) (Mexico, 2007). Simon Norfolk (Nigeria, 1963) studied philosophy and sociology in Oxford and Bristol. He worked as a photojournalist for left-wing publications and, after turning his attention to landscapes, he now creates documentary projects using large-format cameras. His series offer a detailed narrative of society's political and economic conflicts. In his workshop, Norfolk's intention is to encourage the participants to work with the theme of the memory of war; students will be able to explore the multiple possibilities of the theme of the Spanish Civil War or any other conflict in Spanish history. Xavier Ribas (Spain, 1960) takes direct photographs of places that have been altered by man, and his series offer observations on society. Ribas is a professor at the University of Brighton and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and his work is present in the collections of the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, the MUSAC and Fundación Telefónica, among others. His workshop, called Nature and Culture in Photographic Representation, is based on the idea that the observation of territory – both its natural and manmade components – is intimately related to photography. Seminars: Hugo Rodríguez (Madrid, 1971) is a professor of digital imagery at the GrisArt School of Photography and the Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia (IEFC). He has also published books on photographic technique, such as Imagen digital. Conceptos básicos (Digital Image: Basic Concepts). In his seminar he will discuss efficient techniques for revealing and optimising digital or digitalised images. Sven Ehmann (1973, Germany) is the creative director and director of multimedia project development for Die Gestalten Verlag (dgv), a publishing firm that provides curatorial, production, distribution and design services to clients such as Volkswagen and Diesel. Ehmann will analyse the most convenient formats for presenting a photographic dossier, whether as a portfolio, website, magazine or book. How to participate: The inscription fee for each one-week workshop is 420 € and includes the practical seminar. Find out more and sign up at www.phedigital.com/campus_en Campus PHE Comunidad de Madrid is made possible with the collaboration of the Centro de Estudios Superiores CES Felipe II, el Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez and EPSON.