Michael Boran »
Exhibition: 6 Mar – 29 Mar 2008
Kevin Kavanagh Gallery
66 Great Strand Street
1 Dublin

Kevin Kavanagh is pleased to present Voyager, an exhibition of new photographs by Michael Boran. Michael Boran's new series of works take us on a zig zag journey across a geography that seems as much about the inner space of the imagination as the locations they describe. Locations are populated by restless characters searching and probing their environment for clues as to current position and direction in a shifting world. The title alludes to the NASA Space probe and draws attention to some of it's shared sensibilities of method in the use of time lapse, digital photo compositing, aerial views and remote camera triggering. Shot in a variety of locations including Budapest, Toulouse and Dublin the show finds a particular landmark in an image entitled Cite de l'Espace- Toulouse: "At once subtle and surreal, this image reminds us of our capacity for imaginative projection and self-deception as we attempt to situate ourselves in time and space, as we idly ponder where we have come from, where we are going, where we might have gone, and where we might be just now." Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith, 2008 A Catalogue with an essay by Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith has been published to accompany the exhibition. For further information please contact the gallery Title. Michael Boran - Voyager ISBN : 978-0-9555164-6-7