History in the Making: A Retrospective of the Turner Prize
Jeremy Deller » Gilbert & George » Douglas Gordon » Steve McQueen » Simon Starling » Wolfgang Tillmans » Mark Wallinger » Gillian Wearing » & others
Exhibition: 25 Apr – 13 Jul 2008

Mori Art Museum
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku
106-6150 Tokyo
Sun-Thu 10-22 . Fri, Sat 10-24
"Who do you think will win the Turner?" — That's a constant topic of conversation in the U.K. each fall. "The Turner Prize" is one of the most significant awards in the world of temporary art, and its exhibition and prize ceremony have become high profile events. The ceremony is broadcast live each year, and the winner receives major coverage in the national and international media. ‘History in the Making’ is the first single exhibition to bring together works by all the past recipients of "The Turner Prize" following the trends of British contemporary art and conveying the vibrance of art at this hub of international artistic activity. Hosted by Tate Britain*, the Prize was established in 1984 by The Patrons of New Art, a group of Tate Gallery benefactors, for the purpose of encouraging new art. Its name is taken from Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775–1851), a British artist who is particularly well-known in Japan. The Prize is unique among art prizes because it includes new development in a range of media – including not only painting, sculpture or photography. A Turner Prize exhibition is held each year to exhibit works by a shortlist of nominated artists, who must be under 50 and either British or resident in the U.K. A single winner is then chosen from among the nominees. "History in the Making" examines a period that covers New British Sculpture of the 1980s, the Young British Artists (YBAs) of the 1990s, and the latest trends from 2000 onwards. It traces the transitions in British contemporary art over more than 20 years. Today the prize-winning artists are active worldwide, but taking a retrospective look at the Turner Prize reveals the surprising reliability with which this authoritative award has pointed to new directions in art over the years. The exhibition focuses principally on works made by each recipient at around the time when he or she won the Prize, allowing viewers to experience firsthand the very same wit, humor, concepts, pop-culture, or sheer emotional impact that originally impressed the Prize's judges. It is an opportunity to reencounter the massive stimulus exerted worldwide by this focus for contemporary art over the years.