Exhibition: 30 May – 15 Sep 2008
Zeinlhofergasse 7
1050 Wien

Anzenberger Gallery
Absberggasse 27
1100 Wien
+43 (0)1-5878251
Wed-Sat 12-18

"EAST" The first volumne of two books for the 20th anniversary of the AnzenbergerAgency www.anzenberger.com featuring picture-essays of the following 17 photographers: Andrej Balco - Slovakia, Ivan Blazhev - Macedonia, Jan Brykczynski - Poland, Sinan Cakmak - Turkey, Davin Ellicson - Romania, Bevis Fusha - Albania, Christine de Grancy - Russia, Andrei Liankevich - Belarus, Daniele Mattioli - China, Rafal Milach - Poland, Fatih Pinar - Turkey, Janis Pipars - Latvia, irina Dana Popa - Romania, Agnieszka Rayss - Poland, Max Sher - Russia, Filip Singer - Czech Republic, Igor Starkov - Russia. Published in May 2008 by moser verlag München, German and English, 288 pages, size: 24,5x29,4 cm ISBN 978-3-9812344-0-4 Editor: Regina Maria Anzenberger Essay: Ingo Petz Texts: Robert Haidinger Price: Euro 59,- To order at: www.anzenberger.com or at the book-shops Followed by two exhibitions: YOUNG EASTERN EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHY An exhibition with 12 young talents from Eastern Europe and Russia. Andrej Balco - Slovakia, Ivan Blazhev - Macedonia, Jan Brykczynski - Poland, Bevis Fusha - Albania, Andrei Liankevich - Belarus, Rafal Milach - Poland, Janis Pipars - Latvia, irina Dana Popa - Romania, Agnieszka Rayss - Poland, Max Sher - Russia, Filip Singer - Czech Republic, Igor Starkov - Russia. at brick5, Fünfhausgasse 5, 1150 Vienna. www.brick-5.at Opening May 19 at 7 pm May 20 to 23, 2008. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 2 - 7 pm, Thursday 10 am - 6 pm EAST PHOTOGRAPHY Along with the book EAST the AnzenbergerGallery shows the fine art work of the 17 photographers featured in the book EAST published by moser verlag München AnzenbergerGallery, Zeinlhofergasse 7, 1050 Vienna. May 30 to September 15, 2008. Monday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm. www.anzenberger.com