Xavier Martin (born in 1950)
La toilette de Serge, rue de Verneuil, september 1980.
Celebrity Photographs & Old, modern and contemporary photographs
Auction: – 20 Oct 2008
Mon 20 Oct 13:30
Ader at Drouot-Richelieu
9, rue Drouot
75009 Paris

3, rue Favart
75002 Paris

Philippe Halsman (1906-1979)
Marilyn, triple portrait, 1952
MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 13.30 p.m. HÔTEL DROUOT RICHELIEU - SALLE 6 9, rue Drouot - 75009 Paris Online Catalogue : Online catalogue: www.ader-paris.fr PARIS-CÉLÉBRITÉS II Celebrity Photographs By Francis APESTEGUY - Bernard BARDINET - Serge BENHAMOU - Claude GASSIAN - Michel GINIES Daniel LEBEE - Xavier MARTIN - Martine PECCOUX - Frédéric REGLAIN - Richard SCHROEDER Daniel SIMON - Marcel THOMAS - Jacques VAUCLAIR Old, Modern and Contemporary Photographs Serge Gainsbourg, Artists, Writers, Politics, Actors & Actress, Marilyn Monroe, Mode, Sport, Musicians (Rolling Stones, Beatles...), Paris... by ATGET - AVEDON - AZOULAY - BEATON - BLANCARD - BOTTI - BOURDIN - BRASSAÏ - BRYSON CARTIER-BRESSON - CHADOURNE - COLLARD - CONNANT - DIENES - DOISNEAU - ELGORT GRAGNON - HALSMAN - IZIS - KARSH - KESSELS - KORDA - KREINER - LACROIX - LARTIGUE LEIBOVITZ - LIDO - MEISEL - MELLER-MARCOVICZ - NEURDEIN - NEWMAN - PARKINSON PIC - RENE-JACQUES - RHEIMS - RIZZO - ROTH - SARFATI - SEYMOUR - SHAW - SIEFF SINCLAIR-BULL - STERN - VILLERS - VOINQUEL -WALTER -WEBER -WEISS -WOLF -WRIGHT Negative glass plates and prints by studio ARAX (dance, culturists, Liberation of Paris…) Specialist : M. Antoine ROMAND | Tél. : +33 (0)6 07 14 40 49 | Mail : aromand@gmail.com PARIS & EXPOSITIONS UNIVERSELLES BOOKS & AUTOGRAPHS - PRINTS - DRAWINGS & MODERN PAINTINGS ARNOUT - BARDY - BERTIN - BOGGS - DEROY - D'HERVALGANTHE - FRANK-WILL - GAUTHERON - GORGUET GUERIN - MANGONOT - MARCHAND - MOGNIAT-DUCLOS - QUIZET - RENAUDIN - VAN DONGEN -WALCKIERS Zinc from the Chat Noir Theatre Posters of Mai 68 - Piece of the Eiffel Tower stairs Metallic structure of a pavillon from the Exposition Universelle 1889. Public Exhibition : Saturday, October 18th 2008, from 11.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. - Sunday, October 19th 2008, from 11.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. Monday, October 20th 2008, from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00. Phone during the exhibition : + 33 (0) 1 48 00 20 06 Online Catalogue : Online catalogue: www.ader-paris.fr ADER Auction House 8, rue St Marc 75002 PARIS Phone : + 33 (0) 1 53 40 77 10 / Fax : + 33 (0) 1 53 40 77 20 Mail : contact@ader-paris.fr

Claude GASSIAN (born in 1949)
Keith Richards and Ron Wood, Paris 1998

Daniel LEBÉE (born in 1946)
Jane Birkin and Jean-Claude Brialy in Sweet Toffy, Gala de l'Union des Artistes, 1975