Cameron Jamie » Jakob Kolding » Kyla Mallet » Valérie Mréjen » Erwin Wurm »
Exhibition: 10 Sep – 28 Oct 2003
Catriona Jeffries Gallery
274 East 1st Avenue
V6H 3K1 Vancouver
Tues-Sat 11-17

Catriona Jeffries Gallery is pleased to commence the autumn 2003 season with Seethe, a curated exhibition of works by eleven Canadian and international artists whose selected video, text based, photographic, collage, drawing, painting and installation works play upon the ever present misanthropic layers of contemporary society. Throughout twentieth century history the phenomenon of Individualism has evolved to embellish the self as a unique entity to be heralded, nurtured and preserved. The genius construct, the Hollywood Superstar and Pro Sport and Literary heroes, New Age self help directives, Reality Television are but a few of popular culture's penetrating steps toward the ideation of ME. Yet as such a self construct settles itself into mundane ordinary life there emerges an obstacle, that of the OTHER and his/her evolving and often opposing self will. Inevitably one is surrounded by a percolating misanthropic chemistry; on the street, in the museum, in the corner store or nightclub queue, in the seats of the cinema, at the subway stop or boarding an airplane. Does a time bomb of quiet hatred hover over our teetering society, where barely hanging on through gritted teeth we are led to a plethora of protective organizations and clubs, as well perhaps to organized religion? Does the perceived wretchedness of our lives allow us to wallow in a hateful view of humankind? The artists in this exhibition, each through subtle or overt gestures within their works, explore the realm of misanthropy and the seething existence we find ourselves amidst.