Helen Levitt »
NEW YORK Photographs
Exhibition: 6 Mar – 19 May 2009

94-years old Helen Levitt is still living in New York, where she worked as a photographer for 70 years. She started her career observing and photographing children in the poorer neighbourhoods, in search for the poetry of daily life. Levitt works like a choreographer; the streets are her theatre, the people her actors. Her photos resemble small plays in which movement, rhythm, form and colour contemplate each other. She photographs daily life in an inventive and humorous way, occasions casual for the eye in which she manages to find a rare beauty. Her sharp eye and ability to respond quickly is unique: catching the right moment is all determining. She shares this talent with friend and mentor Henri Cartier-Bresson. Like him, she bought a small Leica camera in 1936, which enabled her to move freely, fast and flexible through the streets of New York. This lively element is exactly what characterizes her work: every picture breaths life. Levitt started with black-and-white photography, but is also much admired for her Dye-transfers (colour photos). The colour creates a whole extra dimension in her pictures, a story on its own. She received two grants two capture her beloved streets of New York in colour. Levitt published several books and made two films. Her work is in most major museums worldwide. With special thanks to the Laurence Miller Gallery and Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. HUP Gallery becomes KAHMANN Gallery This March, HUP Gallery will change her name into KAHMANN GALLRY. In her early years the gallery mainly concentrated on Dutch photography (HUP stood for Holland Unique Photography). Nowadays Kahmann Gallery has expanded her view and represents an equal amount of international photographers. With an ambition to play a larger part in the international art fairs. Kahmann gallery's specialism will remain photography that will either stand the test of time or has already made history. Kahmann Gallery is proud and privileged to open her doors for the first time with the world famous work of New York photographer Helen Levitt. Kahmann Gallery represents: Jehsong Baak | The Netherlands Eva Besnyö | Hungary - NL Machiel Botman | The Netherlands Fons Brasser | The Netherlands Rutger ten Broeke | The Netherlands Gerard Fieret | The Netherlands Sofie van Dam | The Netherlands Willem Diepraam | The Netherlands Ed van der Elsken | The Netherlands Robert van der Hilst | The Netherlands - FR Christien Jaspars | The Netherlands Ata Kandó | Hungary - NL Barry Kornbluh | USA- The Netherlands Helen Levitt | USA Mark Nozeman | The Netherlands Sanne Sannes | The Netherlands Kees Scherer | The Netherlands Maura Sullivan | USA Hannes Wallrafen | Germany - NL For more information please contact Yvonne Feil or Davina Marcar via +31(0)20-5158589