PHotoEspaña 2009 (PHE09)
Festival: 3 Jun – 26 Jul 2009
Alameda 9
28014 Madrid
PHE09 will host 74 exhibitions in this year edition which will be marked by its widespread coverage, its international promotion and its pedagogical, professional and general public programmes From 3 June to 26 July PHE09 will gather 74 exhibitions of which 31 will be included in the Official Section. Works will belong to 259 artists and creators of 40 nationalities The general curator of PHE09, Sérgio Mah, suggests The Everyday as the central conceptual theme of a programme of 21 exhibitions of authors like Gerhard Richter, Larry Sultan, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, David Goldblatt, Hans-Peter Feldman, Malick Sidibé, Patrick Faigenbaum or Walid Raad. Besides, classics as Dorothea Lange, Ugo Mulas and Jindrich Styrsky will also be present, as well as a film cycle of Pedro Costa Exhibitions and professional programmes will be organized in Mexico City, Lima and Milan thanks to PHotoEspaña International and out of the regular dates of the Festival. Portugal will host two exhibitions of Official Section Cuenca will host OpenPHoto, an exhibition programme consisting of proposals coming from embassies and foreign institutions of 8 countries: Colombia, Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and United Kingdom Encuentros PHE: VII Debates on Photography will be run by photographer Ferdinando Scianna and writer and theorist Antonio Anson, who will study the relation between photography and literature PHotoEspaña shows commitment to emerging photography with the reviewing of 1,146 portfolios coming from 65 countries in Descubrimientos PHE. 110 finalists will participate in a gathering of international experts Campus PHE Edición de Libros, a programme devoted to publishing projects, will arrange a master class by Martin Parr. Campus PHE Grand Masters will organize, for the first time in Alcalá de Henares, photography workshops with professors like Stephen Shore, Roger Ballen and Rosângela Renno PHotoEspaña develops along with Banco Santander Foundation an educative programme in 6 high schools to mark the occasion of exhibition The 70's. Photography and everyday life, which will approach the youth to contemporary photography The Festival reinforces its program for the general public organizing Camper Guided Tours, family programs and activities in the Fundacion Canal: contest, exhibition and photography workshops for children and youths PHotoEspaña is also held in the street, in fact it will be various activities: La noche de la fotografía, PHotoMaraton Canon and the Feria del Libro de Fotografia Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Asturias will inaugurate PHotoEspaña on 3 June at 13.00h, at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Madrid All the information regarding the XII edition of the Festival, the most relevant news, announcement of contests and activities, artist interviews and exclusive activities can be found at www.phe.es 42 exhibitions take part in PHotoEspaña 2009 and set up its Off Festival and Other Venues Madrid's art galleries take part in PHotoEspaña 2009 agenda with photography and videoart programmes 42 exhibition complete the 12th program of the Festival Casa Árabe presents a collective exhibition that shows the variety and the treasures of the arabic cultures The Institut Français de Madrid, the Goethe Institut, EFTI, FNAC and the Istituto Europeo di Design complete the Other Venues programme La Fábrica Galería propose Trabajos sobre (el) papel (Work on paper), of Ignacio Uriarte

Richmond general scenes, "Planes Devastate Reich", Signs of the Times, 1944
Courtesy: Museum of Contemporary Photography. Columbia College Chicago.
Gift of Katharine Taylor Loesch
© Dorothea Lange

Couple making love, Edam, 1970
Courtesy: Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam / Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
© Ed van der Elsken

Child minder, Joubert Park, Johannesburg. 1975.
Courtesy: Michael Stevenson, Cape Town & Elba Benitez. Madrid
© David Golblatt