Ladislav Postupa »
Das Auge des Allerhöchsten
Exhibition: 2 Oct – 30 Oct 2009
Galerie Maurer
Kurfürstenstr. 17
80799 München
Thu-Fri 14-19, Sat +

LADISLAV POSTUPA 1929 geboren, ausgebildet als Grafiker und Designer eröffnet Ladislav Postupa Anfang 1960 sein erstes Fotoatelier. Er bezieht sich geistig auf Breton, Magritte und Teige. Sein fotografischer Blick transformiert zufällig vorgefundene banale Objekte oder Situationen in surreal aufgeladene Bilder mit magischen Hinweisen auf eine neue Deutung und Bedeutung. "Surrealer Existenzialismus" könnte ein Begriff sein für diesen Werkkomplex, den schwarz - weißen Fotos aus den 60 er bis 80 er Jahren. Berührend und überraschend ist es, zu erleben, wie aus verbrauchten, verschlissenen Fragmenten unversehens einzigartige, sensible, witzige, poetische und faszinierende Wesen und Situationen entstehen. Ich freue mich, einen großen Teil seines Werkes zum erstenmal in Deutschland zeigen zu können. Ladislav Postupa wird am 21. September 80 Jahre alt. Wir gratulieren ihm mit diesem umfassenden Rückblick seines Werkes zu seinem Geburtstag. In der Ausstellung werden über 100 Arbeiten von Postupa gezeigt, während in der Webseite nur ein Teil abgebildet ist. Bei Interesse schicken wir ihnen gerne eine komplette Liste. Ladislav Postupa realisierte und nahm Teil an Ausstellung in Tschechien, Hongkong, Johannesburg, Barreiro, Lissabon, Edinburgh, Zadar, Breslau, Budapest, Bangkok, Tokio etc. Seine Arbeiten befinden sich in folgenden Sammlungen: Cabinet of Photography Northbohemian Museum in Liberec Gallery of Benedikt Rejt in Louny Moravian Gallery in Brno The Museum of Arts and Industry in Prague, The Museum in Ceská Lípa Union of Czech photographs in Prague Gallery of Photography MVS Gallery of Fine Arts Náchod National Museum of Photography, Jindruchuv Chradec Art Museum Benesov u Prahy Art Museum Olomouc Victoria and Albert Museum in London Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris Bibliotheque National de France The Art Institute of Chicago
Ladislav Postupa is becoming 80 years, we congratulate to his birthday celebration During 20th century, the Czech territory has valuably contributed to the structure of the world`s art photography and in many instances affected its development trends by means of a diverse approach. The significance of authors such as Frantisek Drtikol, Jaromir Funke, Josef Sudek and others has become an established phenomena that greatly incorporated itself into the international awareness. As a photographer and a graphic artist, Ladislav Postupa has proved his status of artist par excellence with respect to the international significance. He was born 21st September, 1929 in Nachod, Czech Republic and since 1959, after a short architectural engagement, he has devoted his Iife career to professional graphic art. His early creations were inspired by imaginative trends of Emilie Medkova and Vilem Reichmann. He utilised a totally new method to modify the classical aesthetics of the "found objects" as well as the "ready mades". He himself refers to - with respect to the utilised surrealistic symbols cognitive and visual arts stimuli, which he had been acquiring through his understanding of work by Andre Breton, Rene Magritte and Karel Teige. His philosophical hidden meaning is present from the very beginning of his creations and very much resembles existentialism, which acted as the starting point for most surrealists. Surrealism - as he has many times expressed - has become the principle portrayed in most of his work , even future work -and is the recurring aspect in the mentioned reminiscences when he re-valuates isolated objects in a different environment into symbolic figures. He understandably no longer searches for things, he masterfully creates them. Ladislav Postupa has realized many exhibitions of his own work and has taken part in many art exhibitions of Czech photography in his home country and abroad like in Hong-Kong, Johannesburg, Barreiro, Lisboa, Edinburgh, Zadar, Breslau, Budapest, Bankok, Tokio etc. His work, uncommonly valued by experts critics, is represented in significant world collections in Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Germany and USA. Publications: Mgr. Katarina Novakova , Acta Musei Bohemiae 12 Who is who in Czech Republik, Prague, 2002. Michel&Michéle Auer - Photographers Encyklopedia International, Hermance, 1998. Illustrations of collected poems by PharmDr. Lubomir Jaros, 1997. Magr. Ales Kunes - Catalog of Surrealistic Incendice, Prague, 1996. PhDr. Vladimir Birgus - New Encyklopedia of Czech Creative Art, Academia Prague Catalog of Union of Czech Craetive Art, 1994. Dt. Antonin Dufek - Encyklopedia ASCO, 1993. Josef Král - Monography Ladislav Postupa, 1992. Dr. Anotnin Dufek - Black-White Photography, Odeon Prague, 1987. Jirí Janácek - Photographies by Ladoslav Postupa 1967. Photo-schau, artis, Prague 1964, a handbook edited by Northbohemian Publishers, Rewiews: Czechslovak Photography 11/1966 Culture Creation Václáv Chochola N. 18/1968. The Red Flower, Dr. Alena Bretsnajdrová N. 3/1968. Science and Life Oleg Sus N. 6/1968. In the Heart of Europe Proph. Jirí Janácek N. 12/1967. Dialogue Doc. Dr. Ludvik Baran N.6/1968. Plastic Work Doc. Dr. Václav Zykmund N. 2/1971. Czechslovak Architect N. 26/1975. Slovak Architecture projekt Revue, Ing. Arch. M. Maxa N. 8/1974. Technical Magasin N. 4/1975. Home N. 5/1984. Pruboj N. 169/1979. Czechslovak Photography Vladimir Richtrmoc N. 7/1984. Rudé právo - Culture , N. 222/1989 Ant. Brany. Severocesky deník N.155/1990, Josef Král.