© Michel Comte, I-Management courtesy acte2galerie
Michel Comte »
Exhibition: 7 Sep – 30 Oct 2009

© Michel Comte, I-Management courtesy acte2galerie
Michel Comte Michel Comte is among the most prolific photographers alive, he has worked in almost every genre photography. The self-taught photographer has worked for almost every major international magazine and was shown in major museums and galleries all over the world. Whether it's reportage or fashion, he has always remained true to his inimitable signature style. Some of this photographs are truly memorable, unforgettable even, encapsulating the essence of his approach to photography is classics in other words. It comes as no surprise that they mostly show women or celebrities since these are the areas where Michel Comte has developed an unsurpassed mastery. Taking pictures o celebrities is a tough job. After all, we have seen their faces so many times that we almost start to believe that we know them personally, but Michel Comte has a knack for finding images of celebrities that give you the feeling that you actually see them for the first time. Sometimes he condenses their allure in an almost mythical image. Miles Davis looking like an embalmed Pharaoh or Jeremy Irons like a coldly suave dandy with a monocle. Or he just relies on his ever attentive eye and captures a facial expression that seems to express the soul of the sitter. Think of the rapture on Marianne Faithfull's face or the vulnerability and openness of Geraldine Chaplin. He same balance of spontaneity and iconic presence characterizes his women. Michel Comte knows how to transform women into goddesses for the media age, timeless and contemporary at the same time. He celebrates their strength and sexiness without ever turning them into objects. Michel Comte's classics point to the secret of his work : the sheer delight in human beings, their variety ans individuality. His openness allows him to produce images as unique as the individuals they show.

© Michel Comte, I-Management courtesy acte2galerie

© Michel Comte, I-Management courtesy acte2galerie