Yamal, Russia. October 2009
The Nenets family tries to use the mobile phones.
Global warming is seriously affecting the indigenous Nenets annual
Consequences by NOOR
Nina Berman » Philip Blenkinsop » Pep Bonet » Jan Grarup » Stanley Greene » Yuri Kozyrev » Jon Lowenstein » Kadir van Lohuizen » Francesco Zizola »
Exhibition: 5 Jun – 20 Jun 2010
NOOR Photo Agency - Street Exhibition
Galatasaray Square

Brazil, Para state - October 2009.
Santa Rosa, an illegal cow farm in the nature reserve 'Tera do Meio'.
Consequences by NOOR From the frontiers of climate change comes a unique photographic project. 5 June – 20 June 2010 Galatasaray Square – Istanbul – Turkey The exhibition inauguration will be held on Saturday 5 June at 5 pm, Galatasaray Square www.noorimages.com consequencesbynoor.com/ NOOR office (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) office@noorimages.com tel. +31.20.6164040 The NOOR office can be contacted for archive sales, educationnal project and others requests. Coming Saturday, 5 June, World Environmental Day, the unique photographic “Consequences by NOOR“ street-exhibition opens on Istanbul’s centrally located Galatasaray Square. The exhibition will be on show, open to the public, through to 20 June, and forms the opening event of the Intercultural Art Dialogues Days. With the participation of: Nina Berman/NOOR (Path of Destruction: Mountain Pine Beetles, Canada) Philip Blenkinsop (The Fires Within: Burning Coalfields, India) Pep Bonet (Blackfields: Poland’s Coal Industry) Jan Grarup (Climate Refugees, the Horn of Africa) Stanley Greene (Shadows of Change, Greenland) Yuri Kozyrev (The Yamal Peninsula, Russia) Jon Lowenstein (In The Oil Sands: Alberta, Canada) Kadir van Lohuizen (Brazil's Range War: Assault on the Amazon) Francesco Zizola (A Paradise in Peril, The Maldives) Featuring the work of nine internationally acclaimed documentary photographers, the 100 exhibited photographs show the devastating effects of climate change around the globe. Consequences by NOOR is a showcase for creativity in photography and an eyewitness record of the causes and the humanitarian effects of world-wide temperature changes. Produced in the autumn of 2009 by NOOR photo agency, these visual reportages show not what might happen in the future but what is happening today, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issues at stake. NOOR is a photographic collective and foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, combining the talents and perspectives of nine photographers hailing from seven different countries. Its members are some of the most highly recognized and experienced photojournalists working today. NOOR seeks to contribute to a growing understanding of the world by producing independent in-depth visual reports that stimulate positive social change, impact views on human rights and other issues of global concern. NOOR facilitates group collaboration on photography projects. From concept to dissemination, NOOR takes each project to its widest possible audience. Consequences by NOOR is an initiative of the NOOR Foundation. Limited collectors prints of the exhibition Consequences by NOOR are available. Consequences by NOOR has been funded with a generous grant from Nikon. The Consequences by NOOR exhibition project is realized with the support of Greenpeace International, the Beyoglu Municipality, the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and with the organization of Galata Fotografhanesi Academy of Photography.

Thilafushi island, Maldives. October 2009.
Also known as "rubbish island", it was originally a lagoon. It was reclaimed from the sea in 1992 by using waste as the filling material.

Zabrze, Poland. September 2009
Portrait of a miner at work at Sosnica-Makoszowy Coal Mine. Health and life of miners are often at risk.