C-Print/ Diasec
200 x 160 cm
© Boris Becker - Die Photographische Sammlung SK Stiftung Kultur Köln
Boris Becker »
Photographs, 1984-2009
Exhibition: 24 Sep 2010 – 16 Jan 2011
FoMu FotoMuseum Antwerp
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerp

FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerp
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerp
Tue-Sun 10-18

© Boris Becker; SABAM, Brussel, 2010
Boris Becker – Photographs,1984 – 2009 Boris Becker (°1961) is considered one of the most prominent representatives of contemporary German photography. Together with other names such as Andreas Gursky, Axel Hütte, and Thomas Struth, he belongs to a generation of photographers who reworked the detached style of their renowned teachers Bernd and Hilla Becher into a personal yet still highly characteristic visual language. Boris Becker, 1984-2009, the first solo show of the artist in Belgium, traces an overview of Boris Becker’s body of work – from the early 1980’s to the present – and presents images from his most well-known photo series: Bunkers, Houses, Constructions, Fields and Landscapes, Fakes and Artefacts. In his imposing, almost dazzlingly detailed colour pictures of isolated structures, landscapes, and objects, Becker investigates how photography continually balances on the edge between the exact representation of reality and an autonomous visual practise that does not reproduce reality but rather transcends it. This project was organized in cooperation with Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, and Landesgalerie Linz at the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum.

© Boris Becker; SABAM, Brussel, 2010

© Boris Becker; SABAM, Brussel, 2010