Mark Klett »
Working across Time: Rephotographing Images of Place
Workshop: 10 Nov – 14 Nov 2010
Arxiu Fotogràfic of Barcelona
Pl. Pons i Clerch, 2, 2n
08003 Barcelona
Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona
Pl. Pons i Clerch, 2, 2n
08003 Barcelona
+34 (0)93-2563420

Working across Time: Rephotographing Images of Place
Workshop dates: |
| November, 12-13-14 2010, 10am—7pm. |
Where: |
| The theoretical contents and the treatment of the photographs will take place at the installations of the Arxiu Fotogràfic of Barcelona, while the fieldwork will be held in the surrounding city areas. |
Application prerequisites: |
| Applications are accepted from photographers with creative and technique motivations, as well as from artists, historians and investigators, whose research encompasses the field of photography, the arts, social sciences and environmental management. |
Workshop language: |
| English |
Places: |
| 15-20 persons with a heterogeneous profile. |
Price: |
| 400 € |
Application submission deadline: |
| Friday, November 5, 2010 |
Contact: |
The Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona and Arqueología del Punt de Vista are pleased to announce Working across Time: Rephotographing Images of Place, a triple teaching activity, held by US photographer Mark Klett. Working across Time will take place in November 2010 and will consist of a two-part workshop, a conference and a demonstration.
The activity is the premiere of AfterFoto, a cycle of activities related with the production, management and circulation of photographic legacy. The activities scheduled by AfterFoto call for a reflection on photographs as part of our cultural and historical patrimony: stories, techniques, authorships, practices, preservation, accessibility, diffusion, archives; photographs as documents, as vestiges of history, as our legacy. How do we remember? How do we aspire to be remembered?
This joined initiative of the Arxiu Fotogràfic of Barcelona and Arqueología del Punt de Vista is born with the objective to bring the photographic legacy closer to the people of Barcelona, while creating links between the Archive and diverse groups related with photography in and outside the city. The programme of AfterFoto is based on the photographic production the society generates and we in turn preserve. Conceived as periodical events of a singular character, the majority of its activities will take place at the installations of the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona, with guests a series of acclaimed international contributors.
With photographic material from the rich collection of the Arxiu Fotogràfic and with the city of Barcelona as the setting for their fieldwork, the participants in this workshop directed by Mark Klett will have the opportunity to practice and explore the methodology of rephotography, while adjusting it to their own actual interests.
The workshop is composed of two parts: a three-day workshop where physical attendance is required, and a second six-week distant-learning part coordinated online. The participants will start the realization of their own rephotography projects on site, during the three-day workshop, and will complete them later during the six-week period, under the supervision of Mark Klett and the coordination of APV.
Mark Klett is a photographer living in Tempe, Arizona where he is a Regents Professor of Art at Arizona State University. Klett is interested in the intersection of cultures, landscapes and time and his background includes working as a geologist before turning to photography in the seventies. In 1984, Klett published Second View, a vast project that consisted of revisiting the sceneries of the American west where renowned photographers, such as Timothy O’Sullivan, registered with their cameras during the first photographic surveys commissioned by the Federal government in the second half of the 19th century. With this project, Klett established three paramount elements in his perspective: the methodology necessary for developing the rigorous photographic genre of rephotography, the necessary human resources to cover the ambitious purposes of his projects, and a discourse on the construction of the collective imagery. At the end of the nineties, Klett took up the same work and finally published his acclaimed monography Third Views, Second Sights, which gathers together the original 19th century photographs alongside the first rephotographs of the 1970s and those of the late nineties. Mark Klett’s work has been exhibited and published both in the United States and internationally for over thirty years, and his photographs are held in over eighty museum collections worldwide. Klett is the author of thirteen books including the recently released Saguaros (Radius Press and DAP, 2007), After the Ruins (University of California Press 2006), Yosemite in Time (Trinity University Press, 2005), and Third Views, Second Sights (Museum of New Mexico Press 2004).
Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona (www.bcn.cat/arxiu/fotografic/): Founded in 1931 and situated at the second floor of the ancient quarter of Sant Agustí, the Arxiu conserves two million photographs with subject the city of Barcelona, dating from 1839 to the present day. The Arxiu installations include a print room, various work rooms, laboratories, seven deposits designed for the protection and preservation of photographs and a new exhibition room, which hosts regular exhibitions from the permanent collection.
Arqueología del Punt de Vista (http://www.arqueologiadelpuntdevista.org) develops theoretical and audiovisual projects, dealing with the analysis of the actual perception through the study and recovery of resources, documents and technologies that represent visually previous eras.
AfterFoto is organized by: Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona and Arqueología del Punt de Vista
The project is directed and elaborated by: Arqueología del Punt de Vista
With the support of: Institut de Cultura del Ajuntament de Barcelona