Fair: 5 May – 8 May 2011
Wed 4 May
Palacio de los Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid
Avenida Felipe II S/N
28009 Madrid

Courtesy Galería TRINTA
Fifty exhibitors - galleries, publishing houses and collaborating companies - from 20 cities around the world, including Paris, Lisbon, Brussels, London, New York, Los Angeles, Milan, Helsinki, Geneva, Madrid and Barcelona, comprise the list of participants in MADRID FOTO 3.
The fair will bring to Madrid creations by renowned photographers such as Bleda y Rosa, Candida Höfer, Günther Förg, Helena Almeida, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Isabel Muñoz, Isidro Blasco, Jean-Marc Bustamante, José Manuel Ballester, Luis Baylón, Shirin Neshat, Thomas Ruff, Tracey Moffatt, Vicenzo Castella, William Klein and Willie Doherty.
For its promotion in 2011, MADRIDFOTO3 boasts three prestigious ambassadors: Timothy Persons (TAIK Gallery of Finland), Baudoin Lebon (Galerie Baudoin Lebon of Paris) and Pilar Citoler (collector and patron of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía of Madrid).
The third iteration of MADRIDFOTO will be held May 5th - 8th at Hall Number 5 of the trade fair facilities Feria de Madrid. For the third year in a row the show will present the most outstanding international contemporary photography and some vintage photography gems which cannot be seen in Madrid at any other time. MADRIDFOTO3 seeks to feature a balance of quality artworks and to showcase new forms and techniques, thus mirroring the current trends in the world of contemporary photographic creation.
Giulietta Speranza, the fair's artistic director, has wanted to highlight "the significant presence of galleries from France and Portugal. Whereas last year MADRIDFOTO emphasized New York, a city that was pioneering in considering photography an integral part of the art world and its market, this year we have chosen to focus on Paris, the other great driving force of photography".
Noteworthy within the parallel activities programme open to the public are the conferences moderated by the fair's artistic director Giulietta Speranza. The conference "How to start a photography collection" will begin on Friday May 6th, at 5:00 p.m., featuring Michael Diemar (Owner of the Diemar/Noble Photography gallery) and Pepe Font de Mora (Director of Fundación Foto Colectania). The conference "Online social networks: new challenges for promoting and disseminating contemporary photography" will be held on Saturday May 7th, also at 5:00 p.m. Participants are Laurence Fontinoy (Marketing Director of Google Spain), Philippe González (Director of New Media of ChelloMulticanal) and a representative of the virtual gallery http://www.selectedphotos.com/ . On Sunday May 8th at 5:00 p.m. "Photography and Fashion" will take place under the guidance of the photographer Pepe Botella, fashion designer Ana Locking and the fashion editor Eugenia de la Torriente. MADRIDFOTO3 will also host diverse book signing events during the three days open to the general public, featuring the participation of eminent photographers such as Isabel Muñoz, Miguel Trillo and José Ramón Bas.
The exhibitors participating in the third MADRIDFOTO show are:
3 Punts Galeria (Barcelona) | Aperture Gallery / Canopia Gestión Cultural (Nueva York / Madrid) | Blanca Berlín Galería (Madrid) | Carlos Carvalho Arte Contemporanea (Lisboa) | Crown Gallery (Bruselas) | Diemar/Noble Photography (Londres), Douz & Mille (Nueva York) | Duncan Miller Gallery (Los Angeles) | El Ojo que ves (Córdoba) | Espacio Foto (Madrid) | Flaere Gallery (Londres / Paris), Galería de Arte Ana Vilaseco (La Coruña) | Galería Fernando Pradilla (Madrid) | Galería Filomena Soares (Lisboa) | Galería Fúcares (Almagro / Madrid) | Galeria H2O (Barcelona) | Galería Hartmann (Barcelona) | Galería Javier López - Mario Sequeira (Madrid) | Galería Nuble (Santander) | Galería Oliva Arauna (Madrid) | Galeria Pedro Cera (Lisboa) | Galería Pilar Serra (Madrid) | Galería Rita Castellote (Madrid) | Galería Tagomago (Barcelona) | Galeria Valid Foto (Barcelona) | Galería Vértice (Oviedo) | Galerie Baudoin Lebon (París) | Galerie VU (París) | Gallery Taik (Helsinki / Berlín) | Gao Magee Gallery (Madrid) | Iris Editions / Kris Graves (Londres / Nueva York) | Isabel Hurley Galería de Arte (Málaga), Espace Jörg Brockmann (Ginebra) | La Fabrica Editorial (Madrid) | Luis Adelantado (Valencia) | Magnum Gallery (París) | MC2gallery (Milán) | Moisés Pérez de Albéniz (Pamplona) | My name's Lolita Art (Madrid / Valencia) | Polka Galerie (París) | Selectedphotos.com (Madrid) | Spectrum Sotos (Zaragoza) | Tatiana Kourochkina Galeria D'Art (Barcelona) | Trinta Arte Contemporanea (Santiago de Compostela) | White Space Gallery (Londres)

C-Print. 180 x 225.5 cm. Edición 2/6
Courtesy Galeria Fucares