85x68cm (33.5x26.8inch) and 160x128(63x50.4) - Laserchrome® print. Edition of 15
Christian Tagliavini »
Quadreria Privata
Exhibition: 27 Mar – 30 Apr 2011
Via F.Borromini 2
6830 Chiasso
Via Gruetli
6830 Chiasso
+41 91-6837949
Wed-Fri 9-12, 14-18:30 . Sat 9-12

100x80cm (39.4x31.5inch) and 160x128 (63x50.4) - Laserchrome® print. Edition of 15
Don’t try to search what happened in 1503. Whatever it happened (and where), it’s a cultural chance. «1503» is a symbolic date and a non-geographic timeless space, where Christian Tagliavini’s visionary Renaissance takes place. In this visionary Renaissance nine still characters are portrayed in solemn, die-cut costumes to die for. All of them have a name or a title - which is perfect for a private renaissance art gallery. But you’ll also find something contemporary, unpredicted and capturing in their look and attitude: some details are quietly exaggerated while their glances are seducing each other despite you, the observer.
Nine unconventional beauties, beautiful by contradiction: flat and rounded, untouchable and tactile. In bold colors and delicate skin tones, they pose flawlessly and wear loud geometries. Between two- and three-dimensional perception, «CARDBOARD LADIES» is a gallery of unique portraits where Christian Tagliavini browses Cubism, 17th century and Fifties-era in a way that goes beyond fashion and surface. This is more a subtle research on the depth of feminine allure, giving us neither paper dolls nor real women: just pensive, emerging figures.
Swiss-Italian, born in 1971, educated in Italy and Switzerland, where he lives and works as a graphic designer and a photographer. This provides him the perfect frame and background to invent, create and totally produce images that blend fine arts and craftsmanship. No, not simply images, as Christian Tagliavini loves designing stories with open endings (requiring observer’s complicity) on unexplored themes or unusual concepts, featuring uncommon people with their lives and their thoughts made visible. This rich and exciting collision of circumstances results in photos as a final product.
Based in Chiasso on the very border Switzerland-Italy, founded in 1990 by Guido and Daniela Giudici, Cons Arc is an art gallery focused on contemporary photography - an open space where renowned as well as emerging authors from all over the world are featured and/or launched. An open space reflecting open minds, Cons Arc includes a reputed photo framing and conservation lab creating a virtuous system with the gallery. Therefore, Cons Arc is a cultural centre where photography is passionately selected, exhibited, promoted, preserved, collected and all the time shared and talked about - maybe breathed, too.
Attracting talents and involving connoisseurs, collectors and just curious people is Cons Arc’s tireless mission. 4-6 thematic events a year are produced and hosted in the gallery.
As photography is other than a 2-D art, Guido and Daniela only choose works they consider stimulating, deep. Beyond these activities, Cons Arc animates courses and workshops, lectures, a thematic library and festivals such as Biennale dell’Immagine in Chiasso.

85x67cm (33.5x26.4inch) and 140X110 (63x50.4) - Laserchrome® print. Edition of 15