Susan Burnstine »
Within Shadows
Exhibition: 3 Sep – 8 Oct 2011

Susan Burnstine « WITHIN SHADOWS »
Or au Prix de la Photographie 2011 PX3.
3th September to 8th October 2011
This ongoing body of work explores the fleeting moments between dreaming and waking – the blurred seconds in which imagination and reality collide.
As a child, I suffered vivid nightmares that stayed with me for days. Often, I would walk around not sure if I was dreaming or awake, as the lines between the two remained blurred. Existing within the shadows of the unconscious made life a curious synthesis of magic and reality. Portals to the unknown emerged, offering me pathways that seemed to bridge the gap between real and unreal, life and death. Though the intensity of my dreams did not lessen as an adult, my response transformed. Initially, I was lost within the haze of my dreams. But now, it is through my dreams that I truly see.
Conceived as a trilogy, this project is presented in three successive chapters, On Waking Dreams, Between and Flight, which explore three states of mind: dreaming (subconscious), sleeping (unconscious), and waking (conscious). To create the images, I recall a significant metaphor, contemplative moment or pathway into the unknown from a dream the night before. I then capture the fading memory on film that very same day using details from my own imaginings to tap into the collective unconscious.
For these series, I wanted to find a way to portray my dream-like visions entirely in- camera, rather than with post-processing manipulations. To achieve this, I created twenty-one hand-made film cameras and lenses that are frequently unpredictable and technically challenging. The cameras are primarily made out of plastic, vintage camera parts and random household objects and the single element lenses are molded out of plastic and rubber. Learning to overcome their extensive limitations has required me to rely on instinct and intuition – the same tools that are key when attempting to interpret dreams. -Susan Burnstine www.susanburnstine.com
Exposition du 4 septembre au 8 octobre 2011 à l’AD-Galerie.
Le travail de la photographe américaine Susan Burnstine explore ces moments entre rêve et réveil, ces secondes floues où l'imagination et la réalité s'entrechoquent.
Organisé comme une trilogie, l’exposition « Within Shadows » présente trois états d'esprit: le rêve (subconscient), le sommeil (inconscient), et le réveil (conscient).
La photographe réussit à rendre compte de ces états intimes, en refusant toute manipulation informatique.
Ces flous et images sont produits grâce à une caméra 21 construite de ses mains, dotée de lentilles de plastique ou de caoutchouc, mêlant aussi des pièces d’appareil photos vintage ou encore d’objets domestiques. Incontestablement, les images Susan Burnstine nous plongent dans une ambiance familière et pourtant insaisissable.