Algis Griskevicius »
The Signs of the Zodiac
Exhibition: 12 May – 18 Jun 2011

Galerie STP
Mühlenstr. 20
17489 Greifswald
+49 (0)3834 -88 30 223
Tue-Fri 12-18, Sat 11-14 +

Algis Griškevičius
Algis Griškevičius was born on 1954 in Vilnius. Finished school in 1973. The same year he went to army till 1975.
Worked as artist's assistant in Opera and Ballet House from 1976 to 1980.
Studied at Vilnius Art Institute (now Academy) from 1980 to 1985.
At the same time worked as senior artist - scene painter in Vilnius Youth Theatre from 1980 to 1990. Working as a freelance artist from 1990.
Participating in exhibitions from 1986.
Arranged 52 personal exhibition and participated in 95 group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad.
His works had been shown in exhibitions around the world in: Latvia, Laos, Tunisia, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, France, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Sweden, USA, Croatia, Austria, China, Belgium, Italy, Vietnam, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, Canada
His works have been acquired by
- Lithuanian Art Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania
- M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Ethnographic Museum of Alytus, Lithuania
- Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Tretyakov Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- Museum of Fine Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia
- The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum New Jersey, USA
- European Parliament Brussels
- Art collectors in various countries
GALERIE STP – Galerie für osteuropäische Fotografie
am Donnerstag, den 12. Mai 2011 um 18.00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 12. Mai bis 18. Juni 2011
Griškevičius' Fotografien versetzen den Betrachter in Faszination. Natur ist das alleinige wiederkehrende Thema in Algis Bildern. Alles andere besteht aus verschlüsselten Erzählungen unterschiedlicher Komplexität, welche in sich existentielle Fragen verbergen.
Gekonnt setzt er Wortspiele in Szene oder spielt mit Größenverhältnissen und Schwerkraft.
Die Welt, die er dabei erschafft, wirkt surreal, obwohl sie voller Natur steckt. Ebenso raffiniert und fantasievoll präsentiert sich die Serie „The Signs of the Zodiac", die während des Festivals Nordischer Klang in der Galerie STP zu sehen ist.“