Beyoglü fish market, Istanbul, Turkey, 1954
Gelatin silver print
60 x 50 cm
Ara Güler »
The Eye of Istanbul
Exhibition: 10 Sep – 5 Nov 2011

Polka Galerie
Cour de Venise, rue Saint-Gilles 12
75003 Paris
+33 (0)1-76214130
Tue-Sat 11-19:30

Galatasaray, Istanbul, Turkey, 1954
Gelatin silver print
60 x 80 cm
Ara Güler - The Eye of Istanbul
Ara Güler- the “Turkish Henri Cartier-Bresson” according to the beautiful tribute that his friend Marc Riboud paid to him – is in love with his country, Turkey, and with his town, Istanbul.
His early works made on the banks of the Bosphorus in the fifties testify to the increasing dynamism of the town. In the detroit, the traffic is intense, and the merchandise voluminous. On the billows, some imposing liners heckle the fishermen’s crafts.
Enveloped by the fog and the melancholy, the pictures of Ara Güler feed on literary, pictorial and cinematic references – Federico Fellini, Elia Kazan, Orson Welles were friends of the photographer.
The photographic testimony of Ara Güler, “the eye of Istanbul”, is now part of the heritage of the town.
Ara Güler - L’oeil d’Istanbul
Ara Güler - le « Henri Cartier-Bresson turc » selon le bel hommage que lui rend son ami Marc Riboud – est un amoureux de son pays, la Turquie, et de sa ville, Istanbul.
Ses premiers travaux réalisés sur les rives du Bosphore dans les années 1950 témoignent du dynamisme croissant de la ville. Dans le détroit, le trafic est intense, et les marchandises, volumineuses. Sur les flots, d’imposants paquebots chahutent les petites embarcations de pêcheurs.
Enveloppées de brouillard et de mélancolie, les photographies d’Ara Güler se nourrissent de références littéraires, picturales, cinématographiques – Federico Fellini, Elia Kazan, Orson Welles comptaient parmi les nombreux amis du photographe.
Le témoignage photographique d’Ara Güler, « l’oeil d’Istanbul », est aujourd’hui entré dans le patrimoine de la ville.