© Sze Tsung Leong, Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York
Paris Photo 2010 - 103 exhibitors
Fair: 18 Nov – 21 Nov 2010
Wed 17 Nov

Paris Photo
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris

Paris Photo 2010: the world’s premier fair for still photography Held at the Carrousel du Louvre from 18th to 21st November 2010, Paris Photo, the world’s leading fair for 19th Century, modern and contemporary photography will bring together 103 exhibitors including 90 galleries and 13 publishers. With 78% of foreign participation, 25 represented countries, 31 new comers, the 14th edition is rich in discoveries. This year’s edition marks the return of US galleries and a stronger showing of contemporary art galleries with Beaumontpublic (Luxemburg), Ernst Hilger (Vienne), I8 (Reykjavik), Anne de Villepoix (Paris), Hervé Loevenbruck (Paris) or Yossi Milo (New York). The vintage photography section will be enhanced by the participation of Stephen Bulger (Toronto), Sage Paris, Stephen Daiter (Chicago) and Barry Friedman (New York). List of exhibitors 2010 GENERAL SECTOR AUSTRIA: Johannes Faber, Vienna - Ernst Hilger*, Vienna / BELGIUM: Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerp / CANADA: Stephen Bulger*, Toronto / CHINA : 798 Photo Gallery, Beijing / CZECH REPUBLIC: Leica Gallery*, Prague / DENMARK: Martin Asbaek Gallery, Copenhagen - Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen / FINLAND: Anhava, Helsinki - TaiK, Helsinki / FRANCE: Camera Obscura, Paris - Les Filles du Calvaire, Paris - galerie du jour agnès b., Paris - Galerie Loevenbruck*, Paris - Lumière des Roses, Montreuil - Magnum Gallery, Paris - Obsis, Paris - Françoise Paviot, Paris - Serge Plantureux, Paris - Polaris, Paris - Galerie RX, Paris - Le Réverbère, Lyon - Sage Paris*, Paris - Toluca, Paris - Anne de Villepoix*, Paris - Vu’ La Galerie, Paris - Esther Woerdehoff, Paris - Xippas, Paris/Athens / GERMANY: Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, Munich - Daniel Blau, Munich - DNA, Berlin - Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin - M Bochum, Bochum - Robert Morat Gallery, Hamburg – Priska Psaquer, Köln - Tanit, Munich / HUNGARY: Vintage, Budapest / ICELAND: I-8 Gallery*, Reykjavik / IRAN: Silk Road, Tehran / ITALY: Brancolini Grimaldi, Rome/Florence - Forma Galleria, Milan - Guido Costa Projects, Turin / JAPAN: Foil Gallery, Tokyo - MEM, Osaka - Photo Picture Space*, Osaka - Taro Nasu, Tokyo / LUXEMBURG: Beaumontpublic*, Luxemburg / NETHERLANDS: Flatland, Utrecht / POLAND: Galeria Asymetria*, Warsaw / PORTUGAL: Pente 10, Lisbon / SLOVENIA: Galerija Fotografija*, Ljubljana / SOUTH AFRICA: Michael Stevenson, Cape Town / SPAIN: Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid - Galeria Fúcares, Madrid - La Fabrica Galeria, Madrid - Max Estrella, Madrid - Toni Tapies, Barcelona / UAE: The Empty Quarter Gallery, Dubai / UK: Bernard Quaritch, London - Eric Franck Fine Art, London - Flowers Gallery*, London - Hamiltons, London - Robert Hershkowitz, Sussex - Michael Hoppen Gallery, London - The Photographers Gallery, London - Purdy Hicks, London / USA: Barry Friedman*, New York - Bonni Benrubi, New York - Janet Borden*, New York - Stephen Daiter*, Chicago - Tom Gitterman*, New York - Howard Greenberg, New York - Edwynn Houk, New York - Robert Klein, Boston - Robert Koch, San Francisco - Hans P. Kraus Jr, New York - M+B*, Los Angeles - Robert Mann, New York - Laurence Miller, New York - Yossi Milo*, New York - Yancey Richardson, New York - Bruce Silverstein, New York

© A K Dolven
Courtesy A K Dolven and Gallery Anhava, Helsinki

Courtesy galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris
© Zbigniew Libera