7th Angkor Photo Festival 2011
Festival: 10 Nov – 26 Nov 2011

7th Angkor Photo Festival November 19 to 26 2o11 SIEM REAP – CAMBODIA www.angkor-photo.com The first international photo festival in Southeast Asia Created in 2oo5, the Angkor Photo Festival is the first photography festival to be held in Southeast Asia. Each year the weeklong event features exhibitions and outdoor slideshows by celebrated and emerging photographers in Siem Reap. DISCOVERY, EDUCATION & SHARING The strong educational goals of the Angkor Photo Festival sets it apart from other photography events. At the free Angkor Photo Workshops, renowned photographers tutor emerging Asian photographers, while the festival operates its own outreach program, the Anjali Children’s Photo Workshops. 2o11 PROGRAM Like the previous editions, the 7th edition of the Angkor Photo Festival does not have a themed program, but proposes to discover - or rediscover - artists from all over the world. Consistent with the festival’s mission of highlighting emerging Asian photographers, 6o of the 11o photographers exhibiting in 2o11 are from Asia. Angkor Photo Festival is a place to meet, connect and dialogue with friends and fellow photography professionals. The 2o11 program of 12 outdoor and indoor exhibitions and 7 evenings of outdoor slideshows is curated by : Françoise Callier, the Program Coordinator of the Angkor Photo Festival, in consultation with a 9-member international committee. Each year, the festival dedicates 2 evenings of slideshows as a « Carte Blanche » to two well-known figures in photography . Our 2 invited curators for 2o11 are : Wang Xi / Curator - China A duo of personalities in the international field of photography: Sylvie Grumbach / Director of the international press relations agency 2e Bureau - France Jean-Yves Navel / Founder member and Director of the Angkor Photo Festival - France Highlights on > Japan earthquake and tsunami > Asian Street Photography The detailed program of the 2o11 Angkor Photo Festival will be announced at the beginning of October. Christophe Agou / Jehsong Baak / Roger Ballen / Juan Manuel Barrero Bueno / Andrew Biraj - Thomson Reuters / Matt Black / Pep Bonet - Noor / Anna Boyiazis / Paula Bronstein - Getty Images / Seth Butler / Steve Cagan / Christopher Capozziello / Jean-Louis Courtinat / Andre Cypriano / Enrico Dagnino - 2e Bureau / Denis Dailleux - Agence VU / Avery Danziger / Alexandra Demenkova / Françoise Demulder - Agence Roger-Viollet / Marco Di Lauro - Getty Images / Tewfic El-Sawy / Corentin Fohlen - Fedephoto / Horst Friedrichs / Wang Fuchung / Sacha Golberger / Eivind H. Natvig - Moment Agency / Kauser Haider / Noriko Hayashi / Jessica Hilltout / Ajay Hirani / Zann Huang / Saiful Huq Omi - for Magnum Foundation / Stefania Iemmi / Siddharth Jain / Ryo Kameyama / Sam Kang Li / Yasuteru Kasano / Tany Kely / Brenda Kenneally / Sailendra Kharel / Eric Kim / Hajime Kimura / Edwin Koo / Yuri Kozyrev - Noor / Suthep Kritsanavarin / Ikuru Kuwajima / Sean Lee / Suzanne Lee / Sebastian Liste - Reportage by Getty Images / Lung Liu / Liz Loh-Taylor / Luguang / Wendy Marijnissen / Sergey Maximishin - Focus - Cosmos / Andrew McConnell - Panos Pictures / Erica McDonald / Hector Mediavilla - Pandora - Picturetank / Yang Ming / Palani Mohan - Reportage by Getty Images / Fernando Moleres - Panos Pictures / Muhammed Muheisen - Associated Press / Vivek Muthuramalingam / Cynthia Nudel / Kosuke Okahara / Matthieu Paley / Pietro Paolini - TerraProject / Per-Anders Pettersson - Cosmos / The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia / Fabien Pio / Giulio Piscitelli / Philip Poupin - Cosmos / Ivor Prickett - Panos Pictures / Ardiles Rante / Nishant Ratnakar / Ryan Reed / Andrea Star Reese / Mak Remissa - AsiaMotion / Rijasolo - Riva Press / Rahman Roslan / Sebastiao Salgado - Amazonas Images / Tiago Santana / Ko Sasaki / Emily Schiffer - Charlet Photographies / Jean-Baptiste Senegas / Sokdam - Anjali House / Brian Sokol / Sophal - Anjali House / Philong Sovan - AsiaMotion / Vincent Soyez / Jan-Joseph Stok / Paul Swee / Kuni Takahashi / Daniele Tamagni / Ying Tang / Arindam Thokder / Shehab Uddin / Kadir Van Lohuizen - Noor / Veejay Villafranca - AsiaMotion / Munem Wasif - Agence Vu / James Whitlow Delano - Mercy Project / Max Whittaker - Prime Collective / Graeme Williams - Panos Picture / Krzysztof Wladyka / Kevin Wy Lee / Fu Yongjun / Zalmaï - for Magnum Foundation / Sophie Zenon