Egyptian B
© Nabil Boutros - www.nabil-boutros.com
Recording against Regimes Exhibition
Video art and films generated by changes in Poland in the 1980s, Germany in the
Egon Bunne » Hartmut Jahn » Józef Robakowski » & others
Exhibition: 6 Mar – 23 Mar 2013

The poster "all Egyptians" conceived by the Art Gallery Darb 1718 is signed by 20 Egyptian private cultural institutions and was disseminated in 4 major cities (Cairo, Alexandria, Minya and Assiout).
Fames, Family, Vaudeville – Workshop & exhibition Darb 1718 celebrates its second anniversary with the opening of the exhibition 'Fames: Family vaudeville', featuring work by over ten local artists. The exhibition makes parallels of the circus and the art world. Participating artists : Nermine Ansari, Lotta Antonsson, Tobias Bernstrup, Nabil Boutros, Loulou Cherinet, Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena, Khaled Hafez, Bjørn-Kowalski Hansen, Goran Hassanpour, Carl Michael Von Hausswolff, Sabah Naim, Moataz Nasr, Hany Rached, Hannu Räisa, Egill Sæbjörnsson. Curated by Power Ekroth. Co-curated by Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena.