Against a policy
Julia Kissina »
Against the policy
Exhibition: 29 Sep – 23 Oct 2011

Against a policy
"Angela Merkel"
“Against politics"
“Against politics" is part of the work in progress , “Metaphysics against apolitics”.
The topic behind the photo series, depicting the paws of cats and the butts of dogs, is the classical portrait. The project refers to hidden messages, iconostasis, the hall of fame, the secret doctrine, Vanity Fair, the textbook, conspiracy theory, ratings from the yellow press, and key figures of culture and politics of the ХХ century.
“Against politics“ - calls into question the interpretation of history and the relativity of authority figures, values and doctrines. The topic touches upon the objectivity of the technical medium and the subjectivity of perception from the photographic point of view.

Against a policy
"Brothers Kachinsky"

Against a policy