Daniela Perego »
Exhibition: 25 Oct – 10 Dec 2003

LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea has pleasure to present DANIELA PEREGO (Florence, 1961) in a solo show titled L’ALTRO. On the occasion of this exhibition the artist introduces a series of new works that mark an obvious separation from the previous ones; now the subject is not exclusively the inner space, but above all the way in which this space is in contact with itself and the other. The exhibition starts from focusing on a very close relationship with oneself, illustrated throught two photographical series in which a woman is closely looking at her image in a mirror, and subsequently develops through a video in which this inner relationship opens to the outer world for finally getting to a video projection in which the artist observes the relationship between two lovers, a man and a woman looking at each other for an indefinite time, an everlasting tension growing together with an intense exchange of glances which leads to a growing sense of desire too.