Biron »
Asian Male Nudes - Nus Masculins Asiatiques
Exhibition: 4 Apr – 26 May 2012

Galerie Au Bonheur du Jour
1 rue Chabanais
75002 Paris
Tue-Sat 14:30-19:30

BIRON has been a photographer since the the mid 1950s and won prizes for his images as far back back as 1961. A published academic who specialized on Tristan Tzara, a founder of the Dada movement, he taught at three American Universities before leaving academia and relocating to gay friendly San Francisco in 1978. In the 1970s, he was also an active participant in the Mail-Art movement.
Since the early 1990s, BIRON has specialized in youthful multiculural male images while documenting major gay and breakdance activities in San Francisco. His male photography has been featured in 10 photography books and many gayzines including Blue, TETU, XY, and OG. His work has been exhibited at the Scott Nichol Gallery in San Francisco, the Au Bonheur du Jour Gallery in Paris and was included in the the 2011 Kinsey Institute Juried Art Show in Bloomington, Indiana. However, his biggest audience comes from the internet where his images can be seen on many gay blogs and in over 200 free photo galleries at Photos by BIRON www.photos-biron.com online since 1997.
BIRON, photographe depuis les années 1950, dès 1961 gagne des prix pour ses photos. Il publie ses recherches sur Tristan Tzara avec Michel Sanouillet du Centre du XXe siècle à l'université de Nice, avant d'abandonner ses études pour se rétablir en 1978 à San Francisco, centre de la libération gaie aux Etats-Unis.
Depuis les années 1990, BIRON se spécialise à documenter les images de jeunes hommes multiculturels. Ses photos paraissent dans une dizaine de livres et dans plusieurs revues gaies telles que Blue, TETU, XY et OG. Elles sont exposées à la galerie Scott Nichols à San Francisco, la galerie Au Bonheur du Jour à Paris, et à l'exposition 2011 de l'Institut Kinsey à Bloomington, Indiana. Cependant, son grand publique vient de l'internet où ses photos sont accessible sur plusieurs blogs et sur son site Photos by BIRON www.photos-biron.com en ligne depuis 1997.