Lara Gasparotto »
Exhibition: 17 Mar – 22 Apr 2012
Sat 17 Mar 19:30
Klapdorp 2
2000 Antwerp
+32 495-515777
Fr 16-18 . Sat 14-18 . Sun 14-18

The images of Lara Gasparotto are raw, inexpected, full of colour. They show us the daily life of a new generation of young people , full of dreams and desires. The images present themselves as they are, you like them or not. They do not need any manual to know what they are about, anybody can find in these images their own dreams and sensations. We see people waking up in strange places , a sudden glance one does not forget, a stroke of light on the naked bodies.
We see glimpses of the extraordinary in images of our daily lives.
Lara Gasparotto is a young photographer (1989) , first shown in the View Photography Magazine in the “emerging talents”, then shown at the “Sweet Sixteen” exhibition at Marchin in 2009 and the Expo “Borders/no Borders”. Her work was also selected for the Depth of Field exhibition at the Guangzhou Museum of Art in 2011 and at the 3 Shadows Photography Art Center in 2011. This is her first solo show. A book is published at the Yellow New Editions in March 2012.