Fair: 18 Apr – 22 Apr 2012
Tue 17 Apr 17:00

Courtesy L.A. Galerie
46. Internationaler Kunstmarkt
April 18th – 22nd, 2012
Vernissage on Tuesday, April 17th, 5 pm
Axa Art Professional Preview on Tuesday, April 17th, 12 pm
Cooperation between two art fairs: Prestigious US art organization NADA to exhibit at ART COLOGNE 2012
Exhibitions – special presentations – Maurice
In 2012 the highly acclaimed U.S. organization NADA (The New Art Dealers Alliance) will exhibit for the first time at ART COLOGNE (18 to 22 April 2012). NADA will occupy a quarter of the second floor hall in the Koelnmesse complex, where approximately 30 galleries will be presented, within the halls of ART COlOGNE. Additionally NADA will feature two panel discussions and a performance as a supporting program during the exhibition.
Special Edition Zadik
consistent – constructive – concrete
There is hardly an art movement of the 20th century that has repeatedly brought itself up to date so much in ever new forms of expression since its first manifestations, or so consistently been in favour to the present day with public and private collections and the art market, as constructive concrete art.
By presenting important galleries and their work with this type of art, a special exhibition, accompanied by a publication, documents how it fascinated its gallery owners, collectors and art critics. Interviews and image and text documents tell of significant situations in the debate about this art that is liberated to be itself.
New Contemporaries 2012
Maurice Lacroix Art Award for New Contemporaries
The place to make unusual and exciting discoveries: young international galleries selected by the Advisory Board of ART COLOGNE to present between two and four selected positions from their programme. The galleries featured in New contemporaries will appear in stands of 30 square metres in the contemporary fair proper, giving these young enterprises the chance to exhibit among the most respected and active galleries in Germany and the world today. The presentation is supported by Maurice Lacroix, our partner in making the New contemporaries section possible. During the course of the fair, an international jury will select and present the Maurice Lacroia Art Award for New contemporaries to the best stand in the New contemporaries section.
‘New Positions’, ART COLOGNE’s sponsorship programme, was launched in 1980. The programme gives young artists free exhibition space at ART COLOGNE. The young artists’ spaces are located right next to the stands of the galleries representing them. This year’s selection panel has singled out twenty-three young artists. A special prize – the AUDI Art Award for NEW POSITIONS – will be awarded to the best young artist. The prizewinner will be given a solo show at the Cologne artothek. The prize also includes the publication of a catalogue. The package is worth EUR 10,000. The award ceremony will be held at ART COLOGNE Friday, 20 April 2012.
The ‘New Positions’ programme is supported by the German Federal Government, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Koelnmesse and the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V. (BVDG).
More information at: www.artcologne.com
Bereits zum 46. Mal findet in diesem Jahr die ART Cologne in einer Halle der Koelnmesse statt. Rund 200 nationale und internationale Galerien präsentieren hier ihre hauseigenen Künstler aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert mit Kunst der Klassischen Moderne, Nachkriegskunst und zeitgenössische Kunst.
Erstmals ist die ART Cologne Gastgeber der NADA Cologne, einer Veranstaltung der New Yorker New Art Dealers Alliance. Damit rückt die neueste junge und zeitgenössische Kunst weiter in den Mittelpunkt der ART Cologne. "Mit der NADA werden junge, cutting-edge Galerien nach Köln kommen und unseren Sammlern und Besuchern ganz neue Einblicke in die aktuelle Kunstszene bieten.", freute sich ART Cologne-Direktor Daniel Hug bei der Bekanntgabe der Kooperation.
Die ART Cologne hat vom 18. bis 21. April 2011 von 12 bis 20 Uhr und am 22. April von 12 – 18 Uhr für Besucher geöffnet. Eine Tageskarte kostet 25 Euro (ermäßigt 20 Euro).

Demonstration (Nacktarsch) / Demonstration (Naked Ass), 1980 -2011
Silbergelatine, Baryt / Silver gelatine, baryta paper
28 x 38 cm
Courtesy Thomas Rehbein Galerie

Courtesy Salon Verlag Köln