Music & Foam
Photography, Books, Magazines, Editions, Gifts, Fashion, Music, Design, Film
Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm » Jasper Groen »
Exhibition: 19 Apr – 30 Jun 2012
Thu 19 Apr 17:30
Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18

Music &Foam
Photography, Books, Magazines, Editions, Gifts, Fashion, Music, Design, Film &Foam
After a successful start with Fashion &Foam earlier this year, on 19 April &Foam launches a new theme: Music &Foam.
The shop offers a wide selection of extraordinary new and vintage photo books, limited edition prints, magazines, posters, cards and gifts, all with the theme of music. Foam Editions will be selling an exclusive print by Anton Corbijn and a selection of portraits by paparazzo Ron Galella. There’s an exhibition of work by photographer Jasper Groen, work by artist Roel de Boer and a show of submitted LP covers.
Official opening: 19 April at 17.30 pm
Red Light Radio will be broadcasting live during the opening on Thursday, 19 April, featuring Jamie Tiller (photographer, DJ), Roel de Boer (artist, DJ) and Orpheu de Jong (Red Light Radio). Over the next three months, Red Light Radio will broadcast radio shows from/produce radio shows for &Foam with music by and interviews of performers, artists and experts on photography and art.
Music and photography
Music, and pop music in particular, has always been closely linked to photography. A public image is extremely important for many musicians, and photography is especially well suited to literally creating a distinctive image. The rise of pop music pretty closely coincided with the popularisation of photography. Reportages of concerts and pop festivals, arranged promo-shoots of musicians and the countless photos used for albums and CDs, all attest to the rewarding union of photography and music.
Exclusive titles
Music &Foam offers a wide selection of special photo books and magazines on the theme and record label Rush Hour will bring exclusive book titles and a selection of new albums. One is an exceptional book with 7-inch record: Dave Tompkins - How To Wreck a Nice Beach, on the history of the vocoder, as well as re-released music on vinyl and CD by artists including Jungle by Night (Hidden), Le Mystere Jazz de Tombouctou and Myrian Makenwa. In addition to the thematic titles, the book Lost Boys – A Life in Tunnels by Joost Vandebrug is offered exclusively by &Foam in a limited edition.
Foam Editions
Foam Editions, Foam’s gallery now located in the Vijzelstraat, will be offering special prints on the theme of music and photography for Music &Foam, such as work by Anton Corbijn, Ron Galella and Blommers&Schumm.
Special exhibitions
&Foam will present five exhibitions, starting on 19 April. Roel de Boer shows the work Trace, a series of etchings on vinyl records and the installation Langspeelplaat in zwarte inkt [LP in black ink]. Also on display is his lightbox inspired by the classic jukebox (until 15 July). New work by Jasper Groen will also be shown. Groen photographed nearly 400 teenagers with creative ambitions for his series A Portrait For Breakfast (until 20 May).
Following that, the Amsterdam music magazine Subbacultcha! presents a selection of unique portraits and photo reportages of bands which appeared in the magazine over the past year (24 May to 15 July). The One Minutes will present a new, themed selection of videos (until 15 July) and finally, &Foam is organising an exhibition of albums entitled Uncovered, a selection of submitted vinyl record covers with unusual photography. The work can also be viewed online via the wall of fame (www.foam.org/andfoam, until 15 July).
Each quarter-year, &Foam engages in unexpected new collaborations with unique partners working on the interface between photography and other artistic mediums. Fashion &Foam started off, on 19 April Music &Foam opens and later in the year, Design &Foam and Film &Foam will follow.
&Foam partners
Special thanks to Eizo, Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Igepa, JOOT Books, Lex Lijstenmakerij, Oschatz Visuelle Medien, Red Light Radio, Rush Hour, Sony, Subbacultcha!, The One Minutes, Vandejong, X+L.