Head On Photo Festival
Exhibition: 4 May – 3 Jun 2012
Head On Foundation
NSW 2026 Sydney

Head On Photo Festival, is the world's second largest festival. Now in its third year, it features a wide range of photography across all genres with over 200 events at 100 venues. The 2011 festival was a resounding success for everyone who participated: galleries and other venues, photographers, Head On partners and the viewing public and the 2012 festival proves to provide much more of the same! Events this year are spread across Sydney from the CBD extending, north, south, east and west. Aside from traditional venues such as art galleries and museums, exhibitions and events were set in less formal venues such as cafes, pubs and Centennial Park. Most events are free of charge and include indoors and outdoors exhibitions, workshops, artists’ talks, open studios and a 2 day seminar. With the diverse range of venues, events and photography, Head On Photo Festival offered something for everyone. At the heart of the festival is Head On Portrait Prize which is the nation’s major innovative showcase for Australian portrait photography, reflecting a diverse cross-section of new and traditional photographic practices. It is the most critically acclaimed photographic portrait competition in Australia. With the launch of the inaugural Head On Photo Festival in May 2010, the vibrant and cosmopolitan global city of Sydney finally gained a photography festival. Sydney is now firmly placed on the global photography scene alongside Perth, Brisbane and Ballarat who all have established festivals.