"Bay Drive In, San Diego". 1993. Gelatin silver print. Number 7/25
Estimate: 25.000 - 30.000 EUR
Auction: – 20 Jun 2012
Wed 20 Jun

Van Ham Kunstauktionen
Hitzelerstr. 2
50968 Köln
+49 (0)221-9258620
Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-16, Sun 11-16

"The book". 2003. C-Print. Number 17/20.
Estimate: 9.000 EUR
Auction 312 Photography
on June 20, 2012
Preview from June 15 to 18, 2012
Timeless Aesthetics
In this year’s spring auction, VAN HAM Fine Art Auctions will once again offer an outstanding selection of photographs by Albert Renger-Patzsch and August Sander, two of classic photography’s best-known representatives. Contemporary artists will be represented by exceptional works by artists Hiroshi Sugimoto and Vanessa Beecroft, among others. The auction’s extensive offerings of internationally renowned artists emphasize VAN HAM’s leading position among the photography department in German auction houses.
Classic Photography
The work of an unidentified photo-master from the 1900’s, is an extraordinarily large gum-print, which is entitled “Feuilles mortes”. Pictorial, original prints of this quality and size are rarely offered on the international auction market (estimate: € 32,000-40,000). Albert Renger-Patzsch has been considered one of the ‘house artists' at VAN HAM. Once again a series of prestigious vintage prints dating back to the 1920/30s will be offered: The "Kopf des Gänsegeiers" from 1926, is a work Renger-Patzsch included in his famous piece "Die Welt ist schön". The gelatin silver print is estimated at 5,000 - 6,000 euros. This year’s photography auction boasts several works by August Sander. Two particularly strong pieces include “Großkaufmann mit Gattin“ (estimate: € 6.000 – 10.000) and “Ingeborg von Rath“ (estimate: € 4.000 – 5.000). A real treasure is the recovered, largely forgotten work of photographer Hilde Horn. The artist studied at the Bauhaus School in Dessau between 1925/1926. In her oeuvre she reflects the distinct style and influences of her teacher Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. An outstanding example of the Bauhaus School is the large-scale print "Seemannsbraut III" by artist Hajo Rose, who had a one-man show the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin 2010, estimated at: € 4,000 - 6,000.
Czech photography will be represented by the well-known artist Josef Sudek with his work "Saint-Guy“ from 1928 (estimate: € 10,000 – 12,000). Horst P. Horst, who became famous for his photographs in Vogue, is widely considered one of the most important fashion photographers of the 20th Century. His attention to aesthetics is particularly impressive, as exemplified by the photograph being offered by VAN HAM. The famous "Mainbocher Corset" is estimated at: € 10,000 - 12,000.
Contemporary Photography
The creator of the work “Bay Drive In, San Diego“ from 1993 is immediately identifiable – in this image, Hiroshi Sugimoto remains true to his concept of seriality and black-and-white photography (estimate: € 25,000 – 30,000). It belongs to the series “Theaters” and is the seventh copy of an edition of 25. The first copy of the series is located in the Guggenheim Museum collection in New York.
The Italian artist Vanessa Beecroft is best known for her much discussed performances. However, she also works in the medium of photography. Her work “VB27.037.VB” from 1997 will be offered on June 20th at an estimate of € 12,000.
Becher student Andreas Gursky is widely considered one of the most important contemporary photographers. His work has regularly set auction records. VAN HAM is offering his outstanding piece “Theben, West,“ thereby confirming the auction house’s leading position among photography sales in Germany. The estimate is set at € 10,000-12,000.
An important representative of land art is Andy Goldsworthy. He works exclusively with materials from the natural world and documents these fragile creations with the camera. The work being offered at VAN HAM, entitled “Five Arches. Bent over by the wind. Grise Fjord, Ellesmere Island,” is in excellent condition and estimated at € 6,000-8,000.
The extensive auction portfolio offers work by further photographic artists such as: Nobuyoshi Araki, Bernd und Hilla Becher, Dieter Blum, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Stéphane Couturier, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Harold E. Edgerton, Candida Höfer, Werner Mantz, Joel Meyerowitz, Beat Streuli, Larry Sultan, Wolfgang Tillmans, among others.
312. Auktion Photographie
am 20. Juni 2012, 14.30 Uhr
Vorbesichtigung vom 15. bis 18. Juni 2012
Fr - Mo 10 - 18 Uhr
Sa 10 - 16 Uhr
So 11 - 16 Uhr
Zeitlose Ästhetik
Van Ham Kunstauktionen bietet in der diesjährigen Frühjahrsauktion herausragende Originalabzüge von Albert Renger-Patzsch und August Sander an, zwei der international bekanntesten Vertreter der klassischen Photographie. Die zeitgenössische Photokunst wird unter anderem durch erstklassige Arbeiten von Hiroshi Sugimoto und Vanessa Beecroft vertreten. Das breite Angebot international bekannter und gehandelter Künstler unterstreicht ein weiteres Mal die Spitzenposition der Photographie-Abteilung von VAN HAM auf dem deutschen Kunstmarkt.
Klassische Photographie
Um das Werk eines bislang nicht identifizierten Photo-Meisters der Zeit um 1900 handelt es sich bei dem außergewöhnlich großformatigen Gummidruck, der den Titel „Herbstlaub“ trägt. Piktorialistische Originalabzüge dieser Qualität und Dimension tauchen nur selten auf dem internationalen Auktionsmarkt auf (Schätzpreis 32.000 – 40.000 ). Albert Renger-Patzsch zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den ‚Hauskünstlern’ bei VAN HAM. Einmal mehr werden eine Reihe hochkarätiger Vintage-Abzüge aus den 1920/30er Jahren offeriert: Den „Kopf des Gänsegeiers“ aus dem Jahr 1926 hat Renger-Patzsch in sein berühmtes Werk „Die Welt ist schön“ aufgenommen. Der Gelatinesilberabzug wird mit einem Schätzpreis von 5.000 – 6.000 Euro aufgerufen. Von August Sander bietet die 312. Photographie-Auktion gleich mehrere qualitätvolle Arbeiten an, so der „Großkaufmann mit seiner Gattin“ (Schätzpreis: € 6.000 – 10.000) und „Die Bildhauerin“ (Schätzpreis: € 4.000 – 5.000).
Ein wahrer Schatz wurde mit den weitgehend in Vergessenheit geratenen Arbeiten der Photographin Hilde Horn geborgen. Die Künstlerin hat 1925/1926 an der Bauhaus-Schule in Dessau studiert. In ihrem OEuvre spiegeln sich deutliche Stileinflüsse ihres Lehrers László Moholy-Nagy wider.
Ein herausragendes Zeugnis der Bauhaus-Schule ist auch der großformatige Abzug „Seemannsbraut“ des Künstlers Hajo Rose, dem das Bauhaus-Archiv in Berlin 2010 eine Einzelausstellung gewidmet hat, der für 4.000 – 6.000 Euro aufgerufen wird.
Die tschechische Photographie wird unter anderem durch den bekannten Künstler Josef Sudek mit seinem seltenen Portfolio „Saint-Guy“ von 1928 vertreten (Schätzpreis: € 10.000 – 12.000). Horst P. Horst gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Modefotografen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Viele seiner Bilder wurden in der Vogue veröffentlicht. Zu seinen Ikonen gehört „Mainbocher Corset“. Der Abzug wird bei VAN HAM für 10.000 – 12.000 Euro angeboten.
Zeitgenössische Photographie
Sofort erkennt jeder den Autor des Werkes „Bay Drive In, San Diego“ von 1993 – Hiroshi Sugimoto bleibt auch hier der Schwarz-Weiß-Photographie und seinem Konzept der Serie treu (Schätzpreis: € 25.000 – 30.000). Die mit der Laufzeit des Filmes identische Belichtungszeit fixiert die lebhafte Leinwand in weißem Licht. Die Arbeit gehört zu der Serie „Theaters“, die Sugimoto in einer Auflage von jeweils 25 Exemplaren realisiert hat.
Die italienische Künstlerin Vanessa Beecroft ist vor allem für ihre viel diskutierten Performances bekannt, die sie immer auch photographisch dokumiert. Die unbetitelte Arbeit von 1997, die Teil einer Aktion in der Galerie Analix in Genf ist, wird am 20. Juni mit einem Schätzpreis von 10.000 – 12.000 Euro aufgerufen.
Der Becher-Schüler Andreas Gursky zählt zu den wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Photographen. Seine Arbeiten erzielen regelmäßig internationale Auktionsrekorde. Eine unikate Arbeit von 1986, die aus drei C-Prints zusammengefügt ist, ist auf 6.000 Euro taxiert. Mit „Theben, West“ bietet VAN HAM Kunstauktionen ein wichtiges Werk an und bestätigt damit ein weiteres Mal seine führende Rolle für Photographie-Auktionen in Deutschland.
Ein bedeutender Vertreter der Natur-Kunst ist Andy Goldsworthy. Er benutzt ausschließlich in der Natur vorkommende Materialien und dokumentiert diese schnell vergänglichen Werke mithilfe der Photographie. Die hier angebotene Arbeit „Five Arches“ wird mit einem Schätzpreis von 6.000 – 8.000 Euro aufgeführt.
Das reiche Portfolio der Auktion bietet darüber hinaus Werke von Nobuyoshi Araki, Bernd und Hilla Becher, Dieter Blum, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Stéphane Couturier, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Harold E. Edgerton, Candida Höfer, Werner Mantz, Joel Meyerowitz, Beat Streuli, Larry Sultan, Wolfgang Tillmans und vielen weiteren Photokünstlern.
Auction 312, Photography
on June 20, 2012
Preview from June 15 to 18, 2012 at 2.30 pm
Preview from June 15 to 18, 2012
Fri - Mon 10 am - 6 pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Sun 11 am - 4 pm
Timeless Aesthetics
In this year’s spring auction, VAN HAM Fine Art Auctions will once again offer an outstanding selection of photographs by Albert Renger-Patzsch and August Sander, two of classic photography’s best-known representatives. Contemporary artists will be represented by exceptional works by artists Hiroshi
Sugimoto and Vanessa Beecroft, among others. The auction’s extensive offerings of internationally renowned artists emphasize VAN HAM’s leading position among the photography department in German auction houses.
Classic Photography
The work of an unidentified photo-master from the 1900’s, is an extraordinarily large gumm-print, which is entitled "Herbstlaub". Pictorial, original prints of this quality and size are rarely offered on the international auction market (estimate: € 32,000-40,000). Albert Renger-Patzsch has been considered one of the ‘house artists' at VAN HAM. Once again a series of prestigious vintage prints dating back to the 1920/30s will be offered: The "Kopf des Gänsegeiers" from 1926, is a work Renger-Patzsch included in his famous piece "Die Welt ist schön". The gelatin silver print is estimated at 5,000 - 6,000 euros.
This year’s photography auction boasts several works by August Sander. Two particularly strong pieces include “Großkaufmann mit seiner Gattin“ (estimate: € 6.000 – 10.000) and “Die Bildhauerin“ (estimate: € 4.000 – 5.000). A real treasure is the recovered, largely-forgotten work of photographer Hilde Horn. The artist studied at the Bauhaus School in Dessau between 1925/1926. In her oeuvre she reflects the distinct style and influences of her teacher Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. An outstanding example of the Bauhaus School is the large-scale print "Sailor's Bride" by artist Hajo Rose, who had a one-man show the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin 2010, estimated at: € 4,000 - 6,000.
Czech photography will be represented by the well-known artist Josef Sudek with his work "Saint-Guy“ from 1928 (estimate: € 10,000 – 12,000). Horst P. Horst, who became famous for his photographs in Vogue, is widely considered one of the most important fashion photographers of the 20th Century. His attention to aesthetics is particularly impressive, as exemplified by the photograph being offered by VAN HAM. The famous "Mainbocher Corset" is estimated at: € 10,000 - 12,000.
Contemporary Photography
The creator of the work “Bay Drive In, San Diego“ from 1993 is immediately identifiable – in this image, Hiroshi Sugimoto remains true to his concept of seriality and black-and-white photography (estimate: € 25,000 – 30,000). It belongs to the series “Theaters” and is the seventh copy of an edition of 25. The first copy of the series is located in the Guggenheim Museum collection in New York.
The Italian artist Vanessa Beecroft is best known for her much-discussed performances. However, she also works in the medium of photography. An untitled work from 1997 will be offered on June 20 at an estimate of € 10,000-12,000.
Becher student Andreas Gursky is widely considered one of the most important contemporary photographers. His work has regularly set auction records. VAN HAM is offering his outstanding piece “Theben, West,“ thereby confirming the auction house’s leading position among photography sales in Germany. The estimate is set at € 10,000-12,000.
An important representative of land art is Andy Goldsworthy. He works exclusively with materials from the natural world and documents these fragile creations with the camera. The work being offered at VAN HAM, entitled “Five Arches,” is in excellent condition and estimated at € 6,000-8,000.
The extensive auction portfolio offers work by further photographic artists such as: Nobuyoshi Araki, Bernd und Hilla Becher, Dieter Blum, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Stéphane Couturier, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Harold E. Edgerton, Candida Höfer, Werner Mantz, Joel Meyerowitz, Beat Streuli, Larry Sultan, Wolfgang Tillmans, among others.

"Mainbocher Corset". Paris August 11, 1939. Later gelatin silver print.
Estimate: 10.000 - 12.000 EUR

"Großkaufmann mit Gattin". 1923. Vintage. Bromine gelatin silver print.
Estimate: 6.000 - 10.000 EUR