New York Photo Festival 2012
Festival: 16 May – 31 May 2012
Wed 16 May 19:00

The New York Photo Festival 2012 edition will be held May 16 through May 20 in Dumbo, Brooklyn. A site locator of the area’s exhibition sites and amenities can be found with our NYPH’12 map.
The Vernissage of the New York Photo Festival
The festival opens to the public Thursday, May 17, 11:00 am; tickets are not required to view exhibitions, but will be required for presentations and receptions to be held at The POWERHOUSE Arena; NYPH’12 tickets also function as Dumbo Amenities cards, allowing bearer one-time discounts and samples of foodstuffs, candies, drinks, and durable goods in the area (value: $45+). Tickets are $15 in advance (order tickets), $20 at the door. Tickets ordered in advance can be picked up during the festival at Will Call desk May 11-May 20 (tickets@NYPHotofestival.com, 347-853-7447 x123).
NYPH’12 Vernissage, May 16, 6:00 – 7:00 pm (click here for map):
• Amy Smith-Stewart’s exhibition “What Do You Believe In”, artists in attendance, 56 Water Street
• Claude Grunitzky’s exhibition “the Curse and the Gift”, artists in attendance Irmelie Krekin, Evangelia Kranioti, and Christian Witkin, pH Arena mezzanine 37 Main Street
• Glenn Ruga’s exhibition “On the Razor’s Edge: Between Documentary and Fine Art Photography”, artists in attendance Bruce Davidson, Reza, others TBA, pH Arena main floor
• DJ Spooky’s The Book of Ice: Ice Floes in Dumbo (drifting according to prevalent currents)
• Satellite exhibition by Glenn Ruga: “The Art of Documentary”, selections from SocialDocumentary.net, pH Arena mezzanine lounge
• New York Photo Festival
• Satellite Exhibition: “Tokyo-Ga”, curated by Naoko Ohta and Corinne Tapia, 111 Front Street, Suite 216
• Satellite Exhibition: “PRC in NYC”, a presentation by the Photographic Resource Center at Boston University, 111 Front Street, Suite 210
• Reception, pH Arena 37 Main Street: Special Guest set by DJ Spooky, aka That Subliminal Kid
New York Photo Festival Hours (exhibition sites open to general public; staged programming and receptions ticket holders only)
• Thursday, May 17: 11:00 am-7:00 pm
• Friday, May 18: 11:00 am-7:00 pm
• Saturday, May 19: 11:00 am-7:00 pm
• Sunday, May 20: 11:00 am-5:00 pm
New York Photo Festival Special Events
Tickets are required for all opening receptions, special events, artist talks, and book signings (order tickets)
*All events are subject to change, check back for additional programming
Wednesday, May 16
• 7:00-9:00 pm: Opening Reception, POWERHOUSE Arena, 37 Main Street: Special Guest set by DJ Spooky, aka That Subliminal Kid
Thursday, May 17
• 11:00 am-12:00 pm: tutorial for photographers: “Turn your hard drive into hard cash”, courtesy ImageBrief, pH Arena
• 3:00-5:00 pm: panel discussion “What Do You Believe In”: curator Amy Smith-Stewart with artists Jen DeNike, Xaviera Simmons, and Matthew Spiegelman, pH Arena
•5:00-6:00 pm: overview of ImageBrief – Get the right shot., pH Arena
• 7:00-8:30 pm: panel discussion “On the Razor’s Edge: Form and Content in Documentary Photography”: curator Glenn Ruga with Bruce Davidson, Eugene Richards, Lori Grinker, Platon, Reza. Reception and book signing to follow, pH Arena
Friday, May 18
• 11:00 am-12:00 pm: tutorial for photographers: ”Turn your hard drive into hard cash”, courtesy ImageBrief, pH Arena
• 3:00-5:00 pm: panel discussion “The Curse and the Gift”: curator Claude Grunitzky with artists Evangelia Kranioti, Irmelie Krekin, and Christian Witkin, pH Arena
•5:00-6:00 pm: overview of ImageBrief – Get the right shot., pH Arena
• 8:00-9:30 pm: immersion experience “Sinfonia Antarctica/(The Book of Ice)“: curator DJ Spooky aka That Subliminal Kid trips the Land of Extremes fantastic, pH Arena
Saturday, May 19
• 11:00 am-12:00 pm: tutorial for photographers: “Turn your hard drive into hard cash”, courtesy ImageBrief, pH Arena
•1:00-2:00 pm: gallery talk “The Art of Documentary”: artists Brian Driscoll and Angelo Merendino from SocialDocumentary.net exhibition with an introduction by curator Glenn Ruga
• 2:00-4:00 pm: Satellite Exhibition panel discussion “Tokyo-Ga”: project presentation with Commissioner and Founder Mrs. Naoko Ohta; photographers Haruna Kawanishi and Yasutaka Kojima; and Tokyo-Ga U.S. Commissioner, Corinne Tapia of Sous Les Etoiles Gallery. 111 Front Street, Suite 216
• 2:30-4:30 pm: Satellite Exhibition reception for “PRC in NYC”: curator Glenn Ruga and select artists, 111 Front Sreet, Suite 210
• 3:00-5:00 pm: Artist Lecture with FotoVisura Founder, Adriana Teresa in conversation with 2011 FotoVisura Grant Winner Erin Trieb, pH Arena
•5:00-6:00 pm: overview of ImageBrief – Get the right shot., pH Arena
Sunday, May 20
• 11:00 am-12:00 pm: tutorial for photographers: “Turn your hard drive into hard cash”, courtesy ImageBrief, pH Arena
• 5:00-6:00 pm: overview of ImageBrief – Get the right shot., pH Arena

Courtesy of the artist and Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, © New York Photo Festival 2012