Gelatin silver print on baryta, 457 x 560 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and Japanese
Daidō Moriyama »
Hokkaido - Northern
Exhibition: 13 Sep – 7 Nov 2012

Polka Galerie
Cour de Venise, rue Saint-Gilles 12
75003 Paris
+33 (0)1-76214130
Tue-Sat 11-19:30

Gelatin silver print on baryta, 1000 x 1500 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and Japanese
Daido Moriyama
« Hokkaido - Northern » is the largest project ever undertaken by Daido Moriyama (born in 1938, Ikeda, Osaka), leading figure of Japanese photography.
In the aftermath of World War II, Japan was a wounded nation. The havoc wreaked by the war still prohibited any kind of travel across the country. While reading school books and magazines, young Moriyama came across the names of the cities of Hokkaido, the archipelago’s large northern island. These names echoed in his mind as exotic a destination as New York, Paris or Rome could be.
Daido Moriyama began travelling to Hokkaido at the beginning of the 1960s. He took pictures of the region compulsively, particularly throughout the year 1978. He then returned to the island on several occasions. On his latest trips (between 2008 and 2010) he brought back colour photographs.
Daido Moriyama’s work is based on a true conception of travelling and straying, which he describes in the first part of his autobiography Memories of a Dog (first published in 1984) as practicing photography to retrace his own steps, confronting his muddled memories, gathering additional ones and brooding on like a drifter always taking the same paths.
The « Hokkaido - Northern » exhibition is accompagnied by a comprehensive publication in three volumes, Daido Moriyama : Northern released by Tosho Shinbunsha (Tokyo, Japan, 2009, 2010 and 2011). Hokkaido's color photographs are also published in Daido Moriyama's personal photomagazine, Record (no. 14, 16 & 17, Akio Nagasawa Publishing, Tokyo, Japan, 2010). These publications are available at Polka Galerie's bookshop.
« Hokkaido-Northern » is the second exhibition dedicated to the work of Daido Moriyama at Polka Galerie after « Memories of light » in 2011.

C-Print, 560 x 457 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and Japanese
Daido Moriyama
« Hokkaido - Northern » est le plus vaste projet jamais entrepris par Daido Moriyama (né à Ikeda, Osaka, en 1938), figure de proue de la photographie japonaise.
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon est une nation meurtrie. Les ravages du conflit y interdisent encore tout voyage. Le jeune Moriyama croise dans les manuels scolaires et les magazines les noms des villes d’Hokkaido, la grande île septentrionale de l’archipel, qui sonnent dans son imaginaire comme autant de destinations exotiques à l’instar de New York, Paris ou Rome.
Après ses premiers voyages à Hokkaido au début des années 60, Daido Moriyama photographie la région de manière compulsive, tout particulièrement durant l’année 1978, avant d’y retourner à maintes reprises entre 2008 et 2010 pour en rapporter des images en couleur.
L’œuvre de Daido Moriyama se fonde sur une véritable conception du voyage et de l’errance, qu’il énonce dans les premiers textes de son autobiographie, Memories of a Dog (première publication en 1984) : pratiquer la photographie pour revenir sur ses pas, affronter la confusion de sa mémoire, amasser des souvenirs supplémentaires, et ruminer comme un vagabond qui emprunte toujours les mêmes sentiers.
L'exposition « Hokkaido - Northern » s'accompagne d'une publication exhaustive en trois tomes, Daido Moriyama : Northern, parue aux éditions Tosho Shinbunsha (Tokyo, Japon, 2009, 2010 et 2011). Les photographies en couleur de Hokkaido sont également reproduites dans le magazine personnel de Daido Moriyama, Record (no. 14,16 et 17, Akio Nagasawa Publishing, Tokyo, Japon, 2010). Ces ouvrages sont disponibles à la librairie de la galerie Polka.
« Hokkaido - Northern » est la deuxième exposition des travaux de Daido Moriyama à la galerie Polka, après « Mémoires de la lumière » en 2011.

C-Print, 560 x 457 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and JapaneseDaido Moriyama, Hokkaido, Japan, 1978 © Daido Moriyama, courtesy Polka Galerie
Gelatin silver print on baryta, 1000 x 1500 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and Japanese

Gelatin silver print on baryta, 1000 x 1500 mm, signed on print verso in alphabet and Japanese