Maryam Sahinyan »
Maryam Şahinyan’s Photo Studio - Foto Galatasaray
Exhibition: 22 Mar – 12 May 2013
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18
Foto Galatasaray is based on a selection from the complete professional archive of
Maryam Şahinyan (Sivas, 1911 – Istanbul, 1996), who worked as a photographer at her modest studio inGalatasaray, Beyoğlu in Istanbul uninterruptedly from 1935 until 1985. The archive is a unique inventory of the demographic transformations occurring on the sociocultural map of Istanbul after the declaration of the Republic and the historical period it witnessed; it is also a chronological record of a female Istanbulite studio photographer’s professional career.