You I Landscape
Triennale Jeune Création 2013 - Luxembourg et Grande Région
Laurianne Bixhain » Anaïs Boudot » Mike Bourscheid » Guillaume Greff » Emilie Vialet » & others
Exhibition: 14 Mar – 28 Apr 2013

1, rue de l’Aciérie
1112 Luxembourg
+352-2662 2007
Thu 14-22, Fri-Sun 14-19

You I Landscape
Triennale Jeune Création 2013 - Luxembourg et Grande Région
Launched during Luxembourg and Greater Region, European Capital of Culture 2007, the Triennale Jeune Création, organised this year by CarréRotondes and the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA) is gearing up for its third edition in 2013. It has been conceived as a platform for young artists, helping in the development of the local and international scene. Every three years, a curator is invited to conceptualise the Triennale and to select the artists. This year, the topic chosen by guest curator Michèle Walerich is that of landscape, viewed in its natural as well as urban dimensions. In the contemporary context of hypermobility and connectivity, the aptly titled You I Landscape exhibition reconsiders our relationship with our environment on a personal as well as cultural and social level. The analysis of said reality will be conducted through various mediums ranging from photography and drawing to video, 3D objects and performance.

STEPHAN BACKES Saarburg (DE), *1982
Follow me, please don’t come close, 2013
CLAIRE BARTHELEMY Ettelbruck (LU), *1985
Descendantes, 2013
MATTHIEU BECKER Algrange (FR), *1985
OEil pour oeil, 2013
LEONORA BISAGNO Zurich (CH), *1977
URSS ’76, 2012
Showroom, 2012-2013
ANAÏS BOUDOT Metz (FR), *1984
Exuvies, 2012, Niort, 2011
MIKE BOURSCHEID Esch-sur-Alzette (L), *1984
C.A.S., 2012, Im Land der schwarz-weißen Steine, 2011
AT 226-VZ, 2011
PAULINE DE CHALENDAR Drancy (FR), *1990 et ARTHUR DEBERT Paris (FR), *1990
Collectivités, 2012-2013
BENJAMIN DUFOUR Metz (FR), *1984 et RÉGIS FEUGÈRE Alès (FR), *1976
Kunizakaï, 2013, Territoires, 2013
SERGE ECKER Esch-sur-Alzette (LU), *1982
re-space/re-visit, 2013
JULIE GOERGEN Luxembourg (LU), *1986
Stars’ Façades, 2010, Stars’ Homes, 2010
GUILLAUME GREFF Saareguemines (FR), *1977
HYSSOP, 2012-2013
JINGFANG HAO Shandong (CA), *1985 et WANG LINGJIE Shanghai (CA), *1984
Sun Drawing, 2012 - 2013, Un pas au ciel, 2012
ZHENQIAN HUANG Canton (CA), *1980
L’avenue de fusée, 2013
FLORENCE JUNG Sarreguemines (FR), *1986
jung13(1), jung13(2)
SOPHIE JUNG Luxembourg (LU), *1982
easyJet, Good Times
FRANÇOIS MARTIG Charleroi (BE), *1978
La nature mise en boite, 2010-2013
PIT MOLLING Luxembourg (LU), *1984
Bubblebath, 2012
CLARA PRIOUX Le Mans (FR), *1989
Cultural Landscapes vol. I, 2011
ARMAND QUETSCH Mamer (LU), *1980
C.M.Y.K., 2013
Parc, 2012
Curator : Michèle Walerich
Coproduced by CarréRotondes and Centre national de l’audiovisuel