Massimo Vitali »
Contemporary Photography in the Age of the iPhone
Photomeetings Luxembourg 2013
Exhibition: 12 Sep – 23 Nov 2013
Thu 12 Sep 19:30 - 21:00

Massimo Vitali
Contemporary Photography in the Age of the iPhone
Exhibition until November 9th, 2013
Galerie Clairefontaine
21, rue du Saint-Esprit
L-1475 Luxembourg
Tue-Fri: 14:30-18:30, Sat: 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00
Vitali was born in Como, Italy, in 1944. His series of Italian beach panoramas, starting in 1995, began in the light of drastic political changes in Italy.
He started to observe his fellow countrymen very carefully. Over the past 18 years he has developed a new approach to portraying the world, illuminating
the apotheosis of the herd, expressing and commenting through one of the most intriguing, palpable forms of contemporary art – Photography.