From HONG KONG WATERS 2009–2011, 3/5 + III, 130 x 90 cm
© Andreas Müller-Pohle. Courtesy Galerie IDA ILLUSTER
Andreas Müller-Pohle »
Exhibition: 29 Sep – 6 Oct 2013
Sat 28 Sep 18-21:00
Pavillon am Milchhof
Schwedter Str. 232
10435 Berlin

Wielandstr. 37
12159 Berlin
+49-(0)175 40 10 825
By individual Arrangement

From HONG KONG WATERS 2009–2011, 1/5 + III, 130 x 90 cm
© Andreas Müller-Pohle. Courtesy Galerie IDA ILLUSTER
Andreas Müller-Pohle
Exhibition: 29th September until 6th October 2013, daily from 12:00 to 20:00 hours
Opening: Saturday, September 28th, 2013 at 6 to 9 p.m.
From 29th September until 6th October 2013 IDA ILLUSTER Gallery presents HONG KONG WATERS with photographs and videos by ANDREAS MÜLLER-POHLE as well as a sound composition of Hong Kong’s water landscapes, created in collaboration with the Japanese sound artist SHINGO INAO. Exhibition space is the pavilion of the studio complex Milchhof, Berlin.
Müller-Pohle treated the subject of water in two large portraits: the Danube in The Danube River Project (2005-2011) and the megacity Hong Kong in Hong Kong Waters (2009-2011).
With Hong Kong Waters (2009–2011), Andreas Müller-Pohle takes his artistic, sociological examination of the interrelated themes of “water – earth – mankind” one step further and delves into the centuries-old interrelationship between water and land in the Asian mega-metropolis of Hong Kong. Here as well, he assumed the perspective of the water and shot photographs – from land as well as from a boat – half below, half above the surface of the water. With more than 700 kilometres of coastline and countless bays, canals, rivers and fresh water reservoirs, Hong Kong is the epitome of the city of water. No other city in the world, with the exception of Venice (and perhaps Atlantis, the existence of which has, of course, to this day never been proven definitively), is characterized to such a great extent by and at the same time dependent on water – and its goodwill and fancy. For the existence of Hong Kong is not only dependent on water, it is also threatened by it: In the past fifty years alone, the sea level in Victoria Harbour has risen 12 centimetres, a consequence of global warming and urbanization.
With Hong Kong Waters, the Chinese Special Economic Zone and former British Crown Colony with its long and rich tradition is portrayed in an unusual and fascinating manner. Against the backdrop of the vertical skyscraper architecture of the city, the undulating horizontal lines of the water’s surface, an all but magical boundary between two apparently contrary worlds, take on a subtle and at the same time powerful sense of poetry. Hong Kong Waters gives rise to the hope that – in nature’s battle against mankind’s seemingly inexorable striving for progress – Mother Earth will ultimately win, not least of all thanks to the life-giving powers of water.
(Gérard A. Goodrow)
The book Hong Kong Waters was published in spring 2013 by the publishing house Kehrer, Heidelberg and Asia One Books, Hongkong.
Andreas Müller-Pohle is a media artist and publisher (European Photography, Edition Flusser). His works have been widely published and exhibited and are included in numerous international collections. Andreas Müller-Pohle lives and works in Berlin.