Of, by, for, about ... Women.
Tina Barney » Sarah Charlesworth » Paul Graham » Alfred Leslie » Mary Ellen Mark » Martin Parr » Sandy Skoglund » & others
Exhibition: 17 Sep – 19 Oct 2013

Janet Borden, Inc.
91 Water Street
NY 11201 Brooklyn
Tue-Sat 11-17

JANET BORDEN, INC. is pleased to present OF, BY, FOR, ABOUT… WOMEN. It is a show that considers collecting photographs. The exhibition will run from September 17 – October 19.
Almost any concept can ground a collection or an exhibition. Over the years, we have worked with collectors who focus on: 19th century works, smoking, abstraction, light, drugstores, self-portraits, cars, barber shops, women artists, landscapes, still lifes, and works of art in which the eyes are obscured. Defining one area, or one subject allows some latitude in depiction, in thinking about a subject with a variety of representations. In other words, it’s fun.
Formal principles of color, line, space and light may be considered, as well as ensembles relating to nationality, chronology, or genres. As collections grow and evolve, the aesthetic connections among the acquisitions also change and deepen.

Artists ranging from Sandy Skoglund to Paul Graham, the late Sarah Charlesworth to Alfred Leslie, are included in this season’s debut show.