Joseph Quatannens »
FoMu Collection Le Lynx
Exhibition: 17 Oct 2013 – 8 Jun 2014
FoMu Photo Museum Antwerp
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerp

FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerp
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerp
Tue-Sun 10-18

Press photography forms an inherent part of our society. Images tell and illustrate stories in newspapers and magazines. Joseph Quatannens (1902-1974) was a Belgian freelance photographer who had covered the news since the 1920s on behalf of both domestic and foreign magazines. With the establishment of his press agency Le Lynx, he contributed to the professionalisation of the fledgling photo press sector. The photo archives Le Lynx (1927-1970), which comprises over 12,000 negatives, was opened by FoMu last year and studied. The collection presentation Le Lynx sheds light not only on the career of a long-forgotten Belgian press photographer, but also on the effect and significance of the illustrated press in Belgium.
The archives also served a case study for the restoration and conservation project on negatives on glass and film: Breekbaar Bezit.
This exhibition is accompanied by a FoMu catalogue: Le Lynx (1927-1970).