Paris Photo 2013
Stand C02
Sean Hemmerle » Jory Hull » August Sander » Michael Somoroff » Clark & Joan Worswick »
Exhibition: 14 Nov – 17 Nov 2013
Grand Palais

Galerie Julian Sander
Bonner Str. 82
50677 Köln
+49 (0)221-170 50 70
Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a.

Cradle of Mankind: Hamar Flute Player, Turmi, Ethiopia, 1968, printed 2013
Carbon pigment print
83.8 x 55.8 cm
©Clark & Joan Worswick, courtesy of Feroz Galerie
In honor of August Sander and his 137th birthday (November 17) the Feroz Galerie is presenting a special room in our stand at Paris Photo (C02) which is dedicated solely to the works of August Sander. Among other highlight we will have a number of vintage window mounted and signed print including a truely vintage print of the Pastry Chef as well as other important prints by August Sander. We will also have posthumous prints done by my grandfather Gunther Sander and my father Gerd Sander. Most of all I will be there to answer questions about August Sander and what I and my family will be doing in the future to help you understand who he was, and why his work has been and continues to be a cornerstone in the art world to which the photographic medium belongs.
Julian Sander, Owner of the FEROZ Galerie