Exhibitions of MIAO Xiaochun at ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE |
ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 My Chinese friends![]() 28 Jun – 9 Aug 2014‘My Chinese friends’ brings together over 40 works by Chinese artists that originated between 1992 and today and with only two exceptions have all been curated by Alexander Ochs and shown in exhibitions in the past 22 years.
The key piece in the first room is a sculpture made by Peking-based artist Lu Shengzhong. The daoist and professor of folk art mounted two red paper-cut figures into an opened traveler’s suitcase: Yin and Yang, positive and negativ… ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Beijing Index![]() 30 Jan – 27 Feb 2010Following the very successful presentation of Miao Xiaochun's work 'Beijing Index' at ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BEIJING, China, we are proud to present his work in our gallery space in Berlin. It is the fourth solo exhibition that the gallery dedicates to the artist and professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.
After working with digital art, Miao Xiaochun returns to photography with his series 'Beijing Index'. The artist drafted longitudes and latitudes on a satellite image of B… ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 MICROCOSM20 Sep – 25 Oct 2008ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 H2O![]() 21 Jun – 3 Oct 2007Miao Xiaochun has come back, down to earth. Back from the spheres of heaven, with figures floating in the detached and airy space that he so closely explored in his last large picture-series "The Last Judgement". And yet, it is not so much the firm and solid ground of earth that the Chinese photo-artist is interested in. He rather turns his attention towards an element which, at first sight, seems about as hard to grasp as the atmospheric range of the sky: water. However, the framework that he c… ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 The Last Judgment in CyBerspace![]() 12 May – 17 Jun 2006The Chinese artist Miao Xiaochun (*1964) has achieved prominence in recent years with his photography: his photographs have been shown at numerous biennials and are included in the collections of several museums in Europe and China. In his current work, he has turned to 3D technique to develop his very own interpretative rendition of Michelangelo's The Last Judgment.
The fresco in Rome's Sistine Chapel was painted from 1536 to 1541, and is one of the key works of Western art history. The blue b… ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Asia: The Place to be![]() 27 Sep – 19 Nov 2005Dreizehn Mal stellt sich in dieser Ausstellung die Frage ASIA: THE PLACE TO BE? Neun Künstler kommen aus China, drei aus Südkorea und mit Gerhard Richters Mao-Portrait von 1968 ist auch ein Vertreter des westlichen Blicks nach Osten präsent.
Noch nie zeigte Alexander Ochs in einer seiner Galerien eine Darstellung Mao Dsedongs. Bei der ersten Ausstellung in den neuen Räumen fällt der Blick bereits vom Eingang aus auf das diffus aus dem Dunkel aufscheinende Gesicht des ‚großen Vorsitzende… ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Performing the Body - Photography and Performance from China![]() 18 Nov – 23 Dec 2004It is hard to imagine a more stirring and exciting place than China today — and contemporary Chinese art production is profiting greatly from this fact. Rapid globalisation, consumption and new forms of media have had an unusually explosive impact on traditional local cultures, creating a fertile atmosphere for a renewal of the arts in particular. The meeting of old and new has given rise to unique forms of artistic expression, and it continues to do so today. At the same time, photography in … |