Exhibitions of ZHAO Zhao at ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE |
ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 My Chinese friends![]() 28 Jun – 9 Aug 2014‘My Chinese friends’ brings together over 40 works by Chinese artists that originated between 1992 and today and with only two exceptions have all been curated by Alexander Ochs and shown in exhibitions in the past 22 years.
The key piece in the first room is a sculpture made by Peking-based artist Lu Shengzhong. The daoist and professor of folk art mounted two red paper-cut figures into an opened traveler’s suitcase: Yin and Yang, positive and negativ… |