Exhibitions of Christian Scholz at BILDHALLE |
BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 THE BODY PROJECT / Das Körperprojekt![]() 10 Feb – 23 Mar 2017Flying bodies, human bodies, bodies of sound and animal bodies: "THE BODY PROJECT" is the first exhibition to provide an insight into all four body figurations that artist Christian Scholz has worked on so persistently for more than ten years. Scholz combines formal rigour, sophisticated
abstraction and keen observation to create a cosmos of parallels, puzzles, certitudes and irritations. The observer of his black-and-white photographs embarks on a journey to the edges of form and cont… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 NUDES / KÖRPERBILDER![]() 10 Feb – 23 Mar 2017Werner Bischof was born in Switzerland 1916. He studied photography with Hans Finsler in his native Zurich at the School for Arts and Crafts, then opened a photography and advertising studio. In 1942 he became a freelancer for Du magazine, which published his first major photo essays in 1943. Bischof received international recognition after the publication of his 1945 reportage on the devastation caused by the Second World War. In the years that followed, Bischof traveled in Ita… |