Exhibitions of René Groebli at BILDHALLE |
BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 Coming to lightHistorical Printing Techniques23 Nov 2023 – 24 Feb 2024BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 FERNWEH![]() 2 Jul – 22 Aug 2020
"Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you have never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground." Judith Thurman, Writer
Travel to Naples with René Burri and Werner Bischof. To Rio with Thomas Hoepker. To Japan with Paul Cupido. To California with Philipp Keel. To New York with Willy Spiller. To the Mediterranean with Albarrán Cabrera and Max Kellenberger. To Los Angeles with Simone Kappeler. To Iceland with… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 The Magic Eye![]() PHOTO BOOK & EXHIBITION26 Feb – 30 Jun 2020
This photography book is the first-ever presentation of René Groebli’s pictures spanning a good half-century – although with no claim to completeness. Mirjam Cavegn personally selected the pictures, introducing us to the wide spectrum of Groebli’s photography. She produced this publication with her gallery as a tribute to an artist whom she has represented for many years, building friendship with him over the years and devoting several exhibitions to his work. BILDHALLECHForum Paracelsus +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 WINTER IN SWISS PHOTOGRAPHY![]() 2 Feb – 21 Feb 2019Once again the gallery Bildhalle is hosted at the Forum Paracelsus in St. Moritz this year and presents a group exhibition of important positions in classic and contemporary Swiss photography on the topic of "Winter".
Winter as a photographic subject has a long tradition in Switzerland. Snow and cold almost completely transform a landscape, concealing many of its characteristics and often reducing them to contrasts, planes and textures. Winter thus invites us to look at a pl… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 THE MAGIC EYE / DAS MAGISCHE AUGE![]() René Groebli turns 90! René Groebli wird 90!26 Oct – 2 Dec 2017
René Groebli will celebrate his 90th birthday this October, which Bildhalle takes as a welcomed
opportunity to honor this exceptional Swiss photographer with a comprehensive solo exhibition.
In cooperation with Daniel Blochwitz, this curated gallery show will present works from René Groebli’s
lifelong career. Aside from his legendary early works, like "The Eye of Love" or "Rail Magic", there will
be on display his experimental and ground-breaking image… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 NUDES / KÖRPERBILDER![]() 10 Feb – 23 Mar 2017Werner Bischof was born in Switzerland 1916. He studied photography with Hans Finsler in his native Zurich at the School for Arts and Crafts, then opened a photography and advertising studio. In 1942 he became a freelancer for Du magazine, which published his first major photo essays in 1943. Bischof received international recognition after the publication of his 1945 reportage on the devastation caused by the Second World War. In the years that followed, Bischof traveled in Ita… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 Early Work![]() 18 Mar – 28 May 2016Who is René Groebli? He is a blind spot. Perhaps he is the proverbial blind spot, the "Missing Link" in the history of modern Swiss photography.
The first to notice him was the American photographer and curator Edward Steichen, the visionary Steichen who had towards the end of the 1940s established at the New York Museum of Modern Art the first photography department world-wide. For the museum’s collection he acquired Groebli’s image poem "Das Auge der … BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 DRITTE RUNDE![]() 14 Fotografen, 2 Jahre, 1 Ausstellung7 Jun – 24 Jul 2015
Die Bildhalle feiert ihr 2-jähriges Bestehen mit einer Jubiläumsausstellung. Sämtliche von der Bildhalle vertretenen Fotografen zeigen eine Kostprobe aus ihrem Schaffen. Wir treffen auf alte Bekannte – mit neuen Arbeiten von Künstlern, die bereits mit einer Einzelausstellung in der Bildhalle gewürdigt wurden. Und wir entdecken neue Talente – mit einem Einblick in die foto- grafische Arbeit von Fotografen, die erst im Jahr 2014 zur Galerie stiessen. Und beg… BILDHALLECHBILDHALLE +41 (0)44-5520918 info@bildhalle.ch Tue-Fri 12-18:30, Sat 11-16 DRIVE IN![]() 6 Mar – 30 Apr 2015
Drive In is an exhibition about cars, showing the approach of this subject by numerous photographers, from the fifties to nowadays.
When Elliott Erwitt, during and after the depression era, photographed those rolling dreams with his candid sense of humor and irony, cars, especially the very large and imposing ones, were already a landmark in the American landscape. When René Burri travelled to Brazil to document the building of modern cities, one of his most stunning photographs… |